Dinner Time

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Leo's POV
Calypso and I had an amazing first date! She's so amazing I'm so lucky to have her. She's my one and only, I love her. And to be quite honest sometimes she get this Bad Boy super sized McShizzle a little at a loss for words. Which is quite hard I take pride in my ability to talk so much and be annoying, like I said before don't insult my ability to be annoying I take great pride in it. Since Calypso was all alone I convinced Chiron and Mr.D to let me sit with her at her table. I found it quite amazing that they let me sit there, the must ship us or something. Yeah you hear that fangirls I know what shipping is and I'm really not feeling that Leo Nico stuff I mean Death Boy is cool and all but he's not my type with all that zombie summoning crap and plus he's Will's I am not screwing up Solangelo you guys would kill me. Anyway Calypso and I were sitting talking but I saw her eyes kept slipping looks at Percy. I HAD TOTALLY FORGOT THEY HAD A THING I'M SO STUPID. Well now I guess I should probably explain to her what has happened with Perc since they last saw each other. We spend the rest of dinner talking about Percy and Annabeth and all that went down like them going through hell and back....quite literally. Before I knew it it was time to go back to our cabins. So I kissed Calypso goodnight and headed off to bed.

How was "Dinner Time" sorry I haven't updated in awhile I have been busy sorry :( but thanks for reading:). ( disclaimer none of the characters are mine all are uncle ricks)

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