First Day

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Annabeth POV: 

                 Okay maybe school wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. But yeah I'm pretty good at it, I mean I'm a child of Athena we are kinda the book worms compared to the other demigods. But just because I'm good at it doesn't mean I like it, most of the kids there are awful. Like today here I was with Jason, Frank and Calypso in history class, and we were learning about ancient Greek and Roman cultures which obviously a bunch of demigods would know a lot about this. Well the teacher was asking the basic questions such as 'who are the big three' and 'who was Hercules?' and us demigods were the only ones answering. I mean what's so bad about that nothing right? Correct. The bad thing was there was this stupid kid with spiked golden brown hair and green eyes named, ah what was it... idiot? no that's not it um, oh yeah it was Issac. Well Issac sat behind me and he found it thrilling to sit there and say things such as 'oh look at you, you're pretty and smart I'd tap that' and when i told him I had a boyfriend he just said 'oh I'll fight him so I can have you.'. After he said that I just laughed and said nothing because yeah Issac was a football player but Percy has fought things that would send this jock running to his mommy. But oh you think Issac was my only problem in that class well you thought wrong. I guess Issac has a not so secret admirer who's name was Allison when i was walking out of class stopped me and pulled me aside to tell me...well here's how the conversation went. "So you're the new girl Annabeth, right?" she said. "Yep that's me," I said. "Oh well Annabeth I just want to tell you Issac is mine, I saw you drooling over him during class." she said. "Actually he was drooling all over me and I have a boyfriend who I am insanely happy with so no need to worry about me," I said. "Well whatever, just don't talk to him again" she said doing a little hair flip as she walked away. Oh I wonder what surprises are in store for the rest of the day.

Hey guys how did you like this chapter :D I'm so sorry I haven't updated D: but school's done now and I have a laptop so I will try really hard to update but thanks for reading vote/comment if you like it so far :)

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