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Calypso POV
I made up with Percy a couple days ago, he apologized and all that stuff but I would say Leo is still a bit mad at him. Okay maybe more than a bit but he has gotten better since it happened, I mean his hands don't burst into flames when Percy walks by anymore but to tell you the truth if I were Percy I would prefer that over the glare Leo shoots him whenever he goes by. Even though I know Leo probably will still be mad for awhile I can still see his glare is getting a little softer each day like a bunch a little daggers becoming less sharp over time. After hanging out with Leo for awhile I went back to the big house where Chiron then ushered me into his office where the rest of the seven and Nico were currently sitting. "whats going on," I ask. "I have a big announcement for you," Chiron says. "Well what is it," Hazel blurts out. "Well we have decided that you kids should go to high school," he says. "what about Will, am I supposed to just leave him here," Nico blurts out without thinking then immediately turning red. "I guess Will can go to he just has to do two monthly check ins to Camp Half Blood, as for the rest of you guys will have to check in once a month not two."
"Anymore objections," no one says anything. "Great then pack your bags we are leaving in two days." Chiron says.

sorry I haven't updated in forever thanks for reading and please vote/comment thanks you guys are awesome:)

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