I kinda make an enemy -Leo

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Leo POV: 

¨Hey Calypso," I ask nudging the beautiful girl next to me. ¨What Leo,¨ she says. It was seventh period, math to be exact and I thought you know what Calypso and I need to go one another date because the last one was awesome. ¨Well I was wondering if you maybe you wanna go some where after school like the two of us,¨ I said grinning. ''yeah Leo I would love that'' she blushed. ''okay well I'll meet you at your locker after school, does that sound alright sweet cheeks'' I said confidently. ''yeah I'll be there¨ she said. Well math class went by not soon enough then the bell rang. FREEDOM! I walked Calypso to her locker then went to mine and then I went walking back to Calypso's just to turn the corner and see Calypso but she's not alone some guy is there with her and though I want to pose an intervention I chose to what it out and see if this guy means any harm to my Calypso. But soon the guy seems to be getting more and more tense and then suddenly pushes Calypso against the locker. Not a second after I see that I bolt for her. Do I have a plan what I'm gonna do when I get there? No not really but she's in trouble I'm protecting her. How much bigger is the guy then me? Well hes pretty big but I've fought monsters bigger so I can take him if I need to. Finally I get to Calypso who is on the ground now crying.  ¨Are you okay babe¨ I ask her concerned. ¨Yeah I'm just startled,I'll be fine¨ she says. ¨ You are one tough cookie you know and don't worry I'll handle this douchebag¨ I say purposely loud so he can hear me. ¨Who you calling a douchewad,¨ the kid says. I stand up. ¨Well first of all I said doucheBAG not doucheWAD clean out those huge ears you got there¨ making an emphasis on the bag and wad part ¨Secondly who I was calling a doucheBAG was you if I wasn't clear enough,¨ I say. ¨Listen twerp¨ he says ¨Watch what you say to me or you'll be sorry¨ he says trying to be threatening. ¨Oh I'm so scared, look I'm trembling,¨ I say while mockingly sticking out my hand ¨Oh and also don't you ever touch my girlfriend or you will actually be sorry¨ I say with fire in my eyes and nearly in my hands. He still is acting cocky but I can see he is starting to tremble. By now we are the only ones in the hallway. ¨Leave¨ I told him. ¨Make me¨ he says. It was right now I finally see his jacket has his name embroidered in it and it says Steven. ¨Okay Steven¨ I say ¨I will¨. Suddenly (I did it shh it's a secret) the trash can next to him burst to flames as I walk past it towards Steven. I'm about 3/4 of the way to him when fire starts to glow in my hands and just as he is about to bolt coincidentally (or maybe not so coincidentally) his pants start to burn at the bottom causing him to run out of the building and into the fountain outside the school. When he leaves the trashcan stops burning and it's time to go somewhere with Calypso. ¨Did I do good,¨ I ask kinda proud of myself. ¨Yeah you did Mr. Super Sized McShizzle¨she says smiling. ¨But one thing after all this excitement do we really have to go somewhere or can we sit at home and cuddle?¨ she asks blushing. She's so cute I can't help but kiss her so I laid one on her and we both couldn't stop smiling. ¨Yeah that sounds great cutie¨I smile as we head home. 

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