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Nico's POV:
So school sucks. I mean the classes I have with the rest of the seven and Will are fun (especially the ones with Will) but like the other ones man not only are the subjects boring but the kids are almost as bad as some of the monsters I've faced. I'm just glad they don't know that I'm gay because from what I can tell with their extensive use of the word "faggot" they definitely wouldn't accept me. But I swear if they figure that out about Will and bully him for it my oh my will their be Tartarus to pay. I'm just glad that we can walk home and not have to take the bus. Will and I started walking home and I could tell Will knew something was up with me by the way he was looking at me, after a few minutes he intertwined his fingers with mine. Usually I'm not a big fan of public displays of affection but I wasn't going to stop him. We walked in silence for awhile. "Whatever is bothering you Nics I'm always here to talk" Will said breaking the silence. "I know," I said. We decided to stop at a cafe on because we were both hungry because school lunch was horrendous. We sat down and ordered our food. I got I got smoked whitefish with mashed potatoes and Will got an enchilada. The waitress brought out our food and then she started talking to us, well mainly Will. It wasn't hard to tell she was flirting with him even before she asked for his number. I had decided I wasn't going to say anything. As soon as she asked will for his number I kissed Will (hey I said I wasn't going to say anything I didn't say a word did I?). The waitress went slack jawed and stared at us for a few seconds then stumbled away. "What was that about?" Will asked. "She was flirting with you I decided to let her know you were taken," I smirked. "Geez I hope more girls flirt with me then," he smiled. Things were pretty normal after that and we walked home holding hands.

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