Saved by the bell

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Annabeth POV:
Wow It's been a week since we got here, we survived...barely Leo almost set a kid on fire and Percy almost exploded the bathrooms...again. It's the middle of the day in history class I'm sitting by the rest my friends from CHB like I have been since we got here. Then the teacher, Mr.Ahinc says those three words that every student dreads. New Seating Chart. Everything is fine, I think to myself. It's just a new seating chart what could happen. Then I remember Issac's in this class. Mr.Ahinc starts reading off names and points to a table. Finally he says Issac's name and points to the table in the far back of the class. Oh please please don't let it be me who has to sit next to him please please and to my pleasant surprise it wasn't. It was a girl named Anna. He keeps naming off names then he gets to me. YES I GET TO SIT NEXT TO CALYPSO. I walk towards the table just as Mr. Ahinc says oh wait sorry Annabeth you and Anna need to switch spots. I curse under my breath and reluctantly begin to walk over there. I sit down. Issac whispers to me "I got the best seat in the room". Mr. Ahinc begins to start the lesson. "How's that boyfriend of yours, what's his name um hmm, Mercy" Issac whispers sarcastically. "Oh he'll have you begging for Mercy if you mess with me," I sharply whisper back. "I'm not afraid of some competition" He says. I look at him a smile sweetly. "What are you smirking about?" he asks. "It's nothing, it's just" I lean closer to him, his smile gets bigger, "I can't help but notice," I lean in even closer, his smile is really big now, "how much of an imbecile you are," I say. "You're a feisty one," he says, "I like it," suddenly he puts his hand on my knee under the table. I freeze. "I swear if you move your hand up anymore I will break all of the bones in your body" I say sternly. "Like I said feisty, I like it" he says and starts to bring his hand up my thy. I raise my fist to punch just as the bell rings and he runs out of class. Wow that douche is lucky the bell rang.

Vote and comment if you liked the story sorry I didn't update in so long:( but you guys are awesome:) also if you were confused why I said tables instead of desks just look at the heading picture and that's how the classroom is laid out:)

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