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Annabeth's POV:

So now it's time for gym which I actually don't mind because I have it with the rest of the seven and Nico,Will and Calypso. Also it's not to hard for me because being a demigod you get a lot of exercise even if you don't want it. I was standing there with Percy and the rest of the seven when the teacher walks in and decides that us new kids need to introduce ourselves which sucks because we have done it every single class and it gets very bothersome but we don't have a choice so here it goes. We all stood up and one by one Percy, Nico, Jason, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Piper,Will and Calypso said their names. Finally it got to me and all I mustered out was a "Annab-" when I was interrupted by a door opening and a loud catcall and I looked to see Issac walking in late to class and he says, "oh look it's Annabeth, how's it going hot stuff". I didn't say anything I just rolled my eyes and let out an exaggerated gagging noise and sat down receiving a few ohhhhhhh's from the class. I looked over at Percy and he was red with anger like thank the gods we weren't close to any bathrooms because they would be exploding by now. I looked over to Issac to see if he could tell that he had just made a new enemy, but he didn't he was just smirking and when he realised that I was looking at him he winked at me, which again I made an exaggerated gagging face at him which just made him laugh and keep staring at me. After the teacher took attendance and told us we were playing dodgeball she dismissed us to go change into our gym clothes Percy pulled me aside and said "who was that kid that was flirting with you."  "He's just this stupid kid in my history class, don't worry about it I can handle him," I said. "I know you can handle him Annabeth but that won't stop me from kicking his teeth in if he gets any worse," he said smirking. "Oh I know Perc I already warned him about you," I told him smiling. "Okay now let's go play some dodgeball," he said.  The teacher chose to captains which happened to be Percy and Issac. Right when Percy was about to pick me the teacher stopped him and said that him and Issac would flip a coin to see who would pick first. Percy picked heads and so Issac had tail and guess which side it landed  on, tails. "hmmmmmm, who should I pick this is tough really it is," Issac said sarcastically then finally pointing to me "Annabeth," he said smirking at Percy (obviously he had realised Percy and I were dating). But he stopped smirking once he saw the look Percy was giving him, it was almost as worse as Medusa's and that turned People to stone. As the choosing went on Percy picked all of the rest of the people from CHB which left me alone with all mortals. It also left me on the already predicted to lose team. But as the game started Percy nailed Issac in the head forcing Issac out "Nice shot fish boy." I told Percy. "Thanks wise girl," he said laughing. Eventually gym was over and it was almost time for schools to be over.

Thanks for reading sorry for two Annabeth chapters but it's just how it worked out but thanks again vote/comment if you are liking the story so far :D

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