I finally face him

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Calypso's POV
After what Leo told me about why happened to Percy and Annabeth since I last saw him I decide I should probably talk to him about it. So I decide to wake up a little early and go for a walk so I can figure out what I am going to say to him. Ironically when I bump into him I mean literally bump into him I was kinda lost in thought and I literally bumped into him on the beach, I kinda forgot everything I was gonna say to him. Finally after a bit of an awkward silence Percy speaks up, "sooooo haven't seen you in a while," he says stating the obvious. "oh well aren't you just the knew Sherlock Holmes Captain Obvious," I say sarcastically. I guess Leo is rubbing off on me more than I thought. " Oh well aren't you just the new queen of sass, but watch they don't call me Persassy for no reason,". We both laugh. There is a bit of a pleasant silence before I say "So Leo told me what happened to you and Annabeth, you know Tartarus and stuff." His eyes almost become mean a new sight for me to see Percy as. "Yeah and about that I'm not the same guy I was when I left Oygia, I have changed." "yeah and about Oygia thanks for leaving me there and not coming back." I say and immediately regret it. Percy's face turns red with anger and his words shoot out in rage " WOW CALYPSO DO NOT PULL THAT CARD ON ME WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO DO LEAVE MY FAMILY LEAVE MY FRIENDS JUST STOP FIGHTING IN THE WAR THEY NEEDED ME CALYPSO WAS I SUPPOSED TO LEAVE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE ANNABETH CHASE FOR A POOR LONELY GIRL ON A ISLAND. LOOK CALYPSO I AM SORRY I HAVE LOYALTY ITS MY FATAL FLAW I CANNOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS." I just sit there unable to react nothing to say so i just get up and run not knowing what else to do and before I know it I'm far away from Percy and tears stream down my cheeks. Oh gods I hope I don't run into Leo I think. Oh but with my luck of course I do. He sees me and smiles but his expression quickly turns to worry as he sees I am crying. He rushes to me and wraps his arms around me in embrace. "Calypso baby, what's wrong," he says gently. "I-I" is all I can muster. "Babe talk to me please," his eyes are full of worry. " P-Percy he," I try to say what happened but something in me breaks down and I collapse and start bawling. "What about Percy." he says. I can't say anymore and Leo understands that so we just sit there him holding me.

How was I finally face him Thanks for reading (disclaimer none of these characters are mine all are uncle ricks)

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