Oh dear lords

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Pipers POV
Oh gods what is Chiron thinking I can't go to to Tartarus on Earth otherwise known as high school. I can't use my demigod powers unless it's a emergency so I will just be as powerless as I was before CHB. Well at least this time I have Jason and all the memories I have are actually real. "Whatcha thinking about Pipes," I hear Jason say. "Just stuff I'm nervous about the whole high school thing." "Aw pipes don't be nervous it will be a blast,we have the rest of the seven and Will and Nico." He says. "Yeah..." I say. "Pipes what's the matter" Jason with worry on his face. "I just don't want to be bullied again..." I whisper. "Pipes don't worry if anyone bullies you they will have 8 mad demigods on their tail, if they hurt you I will turn them into a fried human bacon." Jason says wrapping his arms around me and kissing my forehead. "Thanks,static boy" I joke. "Hey not funny" he says but laughs anyway.

SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN A LONG TIME but thanks for reading and please vote/comment thanks you all are awesome:)

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