Schedule Drama

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Hazel POV:
So high school. High school,high school, high school. Well I'm terrified to be completely honest. I thought I would have the guys in most of my classes which I guess I do but the one class I was horrified of taking otherwise known as drama. I know what you are thinking why did I sign up for it then. Well it was my last alternative class even after GYM yeah I put GYM up higher on my list than drama. So the reason I hate drama so much is that I have like this awful fear of speaking in public I know that's pretty weird for a demigod but I'm an odd demigod. Another reason is I can't act for my life I mean I guess I could manipulate the mist but you know that rule know using your powers outside of camp unless it's an emergency. But yeah I'm terrified.WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!

Thanks for reading sorry I haven't updated in forever. :( vote and comment if you enjoy the story :)

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