Settling in

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Calypso POV
After Leo explained to everyone what happened and how he died but then came back to life and how him and I made it back to Camp Half Blood it was almost dinner time and Chiron decided that Leo and I should get situated at Camp since as Leo figured out he was out for about a month and many things have changed since the battle with Gaea. No one was really sure what cabin to put me in since I was the daughter of a Titan not a god so for now I would be staying in the big house until I got my own cabin if that would ever happen Jason seemed busy enough building shrines to the forgotten gods as it was anyway. I guess I was okay with staying in the big house, I didn't really mind having to stay in the big house if I ever got lonely during the night and I couldn't see Leo or the cleaning harpies would eat me alive...... quite literally I could always talk to Chiron or occasionally Ella when she came here from New Rome. After I got situated I was sitting on my bed when I heard a knock on my door, "Who is it," I asked. "It's me babe," Leo said "You decent," he said, I could almost hear his grin. "Yeah, it's open" I say smiling. He walks in carrying the oddest bunch of flowers I have ever seen, but they are still so beautiful I can't help but smile. "What's all this for" I ask
"Well I was thinking, we have never actually had a real date" he says smirking.
" I guess we haven't" I say.
"Well I thought we should do something about that, so Calypso would you please come with me," he says smiling as he offers me his arm. I laugh and gladly accept his arm as he takes me to who knows where.

Comment if you like my story so far or if you have any suggestions thanks for reading :) (disclaimer: none of these characters are mine all are property of uncle Rick)

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