Nico's wisdom

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Percy POV

Oh gods what did I do. Why did I lash out at Calypso she only said the truth. I mean it was harsh but it was true, I hadn't given Calypso a second after the Titan War. I assumed the God would just set her free, besides she was being punished for something she didn't do. Not only did I lash out at her but i did it in front of Nico. Gods he is going to hate me even more now. Geez Tartarus changed me I would of never done that before that. I'm just glad she didn't argue back because then I think I would of made a tidal wave or something. I decided I should probably try to cook myself off so I sit under a tree drowning myself in some Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance. Hey what they are good don't judge me better than most of that poppy junk on the radio these days, and they are a good stress reliever. While I'm sitting there I see Nico walking my way. Oh gods he is going to confront me about screaming at Calypso, well now or never I guess but I prefer never. But what am I supposed to say I decide to just sit there frozen hopefully not drawing attention to myself. As Nico gets closer I see he has something in his hand, what are those Mythomagic cards no they can't be he got rid of those I thought he did at least. I guess he didn't. Finally he gets to me and sits across from me, I just sit there frozen. I see he has the Hades card in his hands but what is that other one? He still hasn't said anything as he slips the other card in my hand. I see that it is Poseidon. What is he doing? Finally after awhile he says "You know someone once told me it's okay to be a kid once and awhile." I gave him that advice and now I'm not even following it.

How was this chapter I will update as soon as I can thanks for reading (disclaimer none of these characters are mine all are uncle ricks)

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