The Journey

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Calypso's POV
"We are almost there sweet cheeks only a couple hours until we are at Camp Half Blood," Leo said sweetly
"Great I said, you can finally take a shower you stink" I said with a smirk trying to hid the fear I was really feeling. Even though I was grateful to get off that cursed island I was anxious about seeing Percy Jackson again even though I had no more feeling for him- okay maybe I had a little feelings left for him whether they are good or bad but now I had my Leo. My sweet ,sweet adorable Leo he had saved me from that awful island and for that I will love him forever. But what will I feel when I see that Percy Jackson, resentment, hatred, hurt, love. Oh gods this whole thing I gonna make me sick.
"Hey Calypso what's the matter." Leo says interrupting my thoughts, another thing I can thank him for.
"It's nothing Leo," I promise.
"Calypso I know it's something you're making the cute little thinking face you always do, you know the one were you furrow your eyebrows an crinkle your nose a bit," he says to me grinning.
"Calypso you know you can tell me anything," his expression is unrecognizable, it's almost almost serious.
"Yes I know Leo, I'm fine I swear," I say almost to harshly then forcing a smile to cover it up. To pass the time Leo starts to tell me stories like when he gained the title "Bad boy supreme super sized McShizzle" as Leo relived these events his eyes became brighter and his grin even wider which made me smile. Leo for the next hour or two Leo and I just talked which was nice and thankfully got my mind off seeing Percy again. A few hours that felt like minutes past and Leo's eyes lit up as he said "We are here Calypso finally here, we are finally at the only place I've felt like I've had a home. We are at Camp Half Blood."

How was "The Journey" this is my first fanfiction so sorry if it sucks thanks for reading :) (disclaimer: none of these characters are mine all are property of uncle Rick)

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