9: The Last Night in Prague

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(Beck's POV)~

We waited until Mr. Parker left completely so that we can disable the illusion. The holograms disappeared and my crew members came out of hiding place, and the whole bar disappeared. Then, my drones finally appeared in place. Everything happened in slow motion.

"See?" I asked, "that wasn't so hard."

Everyone in the room erupted into cheering, and I was laughing.

"Somebody get this stupid costume off me!"

The whole room was going nuts, and I finally changed into my original suit for the illusion technology.

"Okay, we got Edith. Connect this to our system." I handed it to one of our crew members. A lot of them were shouting at me to give them a toast to the occasion.  "This is a big win, but we still have a lot of work to do!" They cheered more at me and I gave in, grinning from ear to ear. I hopped up to the counter that was a bar, and everyone was raising glasses. "Okay, toast!" I said, giving them what they wanted. I looked down and someone was handing me a glass, "Give me that, Doug! To the man that brought us all together, our former boss: Tony Stark."

The whole crew booed at the name, and I continued with my speech: "The gesture King, who's finally adopted a daughter. They're both literally wrapped in wealth and technology. Both were unfit to wield like the holographic system I designed. A revolutionary breakthrough! Limitless applications! That Tony, turned into a self-therapy machine and renamed-"

"A binarily augmented retro-framing...or B.A.R.F" Tony explained towards his audience in a conference. "About $611 million dollars for my therapeutic experiment?" He winced at the glasses once the room phased back to normal.

"He renamed my life's work: B.A.R.F. I told him it was a mistake! That my technology could change the world, and then...he fired me. He said I was unstable. His daughter came into his life 2 years ago, teaching her everything she needs to know until he died, ruining everything again. It's like he wants me to be haunted by what happened all over again. It's like...anyone who's named under Stark thinks they're so much better. To Tony and his daughter Y/N."

Everyone chanted after me, and raised their glasses.

One by one, I started calling out crew names who were under the influence of him. Finally, "To Janice, our engineer. After Tony died, she was the one who discovered that Edith was being handed over not to us...not to the defense department, but to a child. To the rest of you, Tony Stark is gone. There is a window of opportunity and someone will step up. But these days, you can be the smartest guy in the room, the most qualified, and no one cares. Unless you're flying around with a cape or shooting lasers from your hands. No one will even listen. Well...I've got a cape, and lasers." Everyone in the room chuckled with my joke. "With our technology, and with Edith, Mysterio will be the greatest hero...on Earth! THEN EVERYONE WILL LISTEN, TO ME, AND MY VERY, WEALTHY CREW. To us."

We raised glasses higher than we lifted it before and I felt victorious.

"To Mysterio!" Everyone else repeated after me. "To Peter Parker!" I shook my head and mumbled, "Everyone will finally be out of the way." I raised my voice again to get everyone's attention, "Let's get to work."


(Peter's POV)~

I hurried up the stairs to the hotel and Ned in his robe came running towards me. "Peter, oh my god!" He laughed in relief. He gave me a huge hug, and almost squished me to death. "We almost died!"

"It's fine, it's fine." I said. "Guess what?" Ned looked confused. "We're done with the mission-!"

"But, dude...The trip's over."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Why?"

"Our parents want us back home. Monsters are coming out from the ground everywhere we go."

"Have you seen Y/N?"

He looked at me almost disappointed. "Y/N packing in her room right now." He said, and my heart dropped. "She's leaving for Stark Tower on her own in an hour or two. She said she called Happy to arrange a plane to pick her up as soon as possible. The flight is on its way now. She also said that doesn't want to see you. Dude, whatever you told her made her burst into tears when she saw me."

"She's leaving-?"

"Please don't put me on hold...PETER!" Mr. Harrington said, walking over to us. He put my head on his shoulder, "You're not dead! Thank god. Good, stay here." He pointed to Ned as he hurried away from us. "Put some clothes on, Ned! We're booking flights!"

"It's not because of science." His colleague came rushing up to us. "We're leaving because of witches. Welcome to the new dark ages."

"Y/N can't leave yet. I have to talk to her." I turned to Ned once he left. Everything was happening so fast. This is all my fault. I said things I shouldn't have said under pressure, and it broke Y/N's heart.

"We're going home in the morning, and she'll be home before we will." Ned spoke. "Peter...How could you say something like that to her?"

"I-I don't know, I wasn't thinking. I was mad because we couldn't spend any time together on our trip and-"

"Yeah but dude-"

"I'll catch up with you later. I have to stop Y/N before she gets on that plane." I walked away and headed towards her hotel room. I started to knock on the door and it ended up opening already. "Oh-!"

"Peter?" Y/N looked at me confused. "What do you want?"

"Look, uhm..." I started to say, feeling nervous from head to toe. "I'm really sorry about what I said." I looked over to see she had her suitcase in her hand ready to go. "I really don't want you to leave yet, because...I'm not ready for this trip to be over, and I kind of want to do something fun with you that's not on the itinerary or planned or with Mr. Harrington-"

"But Peter..." she said.

"Would you like to try?" I asked, griping onto my backpack straps tightly.

"I...have to go meet up with Happy." She started walking out the door but I stepped in front of her. "Pete..."

"Please? It's like our last night here in Prague, and I know we haven't been able to do anything together, but I really just want it to be us two for once. No Fury, no Beck, no Elemental, and no fighting. I promise."

"Okay." She set back her suitcase inside her room.

I looked at her in surprise. "Okay?" I repeated after her, and she nodded. "Okay, that's...that's great! I'll meet you outside in 10 minutes."

"Meet me outside in 5 minutes."

I went to my hotel room and changed into comfortable clothing. When I was done, I went downstairs to wait in the lobby. The TV was turned on and I watched the news on how me, Beck, and Y/N took care of the Elemental and I smiled to myself until I heard the elevator ring. Y/N was walking towards me in a simple blouse with a light jacket over her. "Hey," she said, and I held out my hand to her.

"Where would you like to go?"

"Anywhere." Y/N took my hand in hers and placed her palm against mine.

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