Epilogue: J. Jonah Jameson

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(Y/N's POV)~

You're wondering why I'm not in a suit right now, and hanging on to Peter as we swung our way through New York City. I was terrified as I held onto him tight. "This is your definition of a date?!" I screamed as we made a sharp turn. "Peter, don't hit the bird!"

Peter whooped as he let go of a web and I screamed as we free fallen. He was swinging again once he attached his web to a building. "Smile!" he said to me, holding his phone out and taking a picture at the both of us.

"No, don't take that!" I said, "I look horrible!"

I felt myself slipping from him when he dipped down closer to the ground.

We dipped down a little further and almost hit a bus. Peter managed to avoid that and I closed my eyes tight. We were walking upward now towards a tall skyscraper. "This is not fun." I started to say and Peter was just cheering. "I can't watch, I won't watch!"

Peter made another huge sweep and he lifted us up very high off the roof of a building. I screamed once Peter let me go and I started falling. He quickly snatched me up and I buried my head into him.

We swung for a while and then I started begging to him, "Please, Peter, please put me down!" I said.

"You okay?" Peter asked and let me down gently where we faced a giant tv. He was laughing behind the mask and he's just lucky I can't see him trying not to smirk at me.

"Uh huh," I said, my whole body shaking nervously. I was holding on to Peter's hand and squeezing it. "It's exhilarating, that's for sure. L-Let me just let it sink for a while."

"Are you hungry?" Peter asked me, tilting his head. "We can go find something to eat now."

"You're in your suit-"

We started listening to a tune from the TV behind us that interrupted me, and we turned to face the news. "This is breaking news." a voice said, and the crowd near us paused for a moment to watch.

"We come to you now with revelations about last week's attack in London." one of the reporters said. "An anonymous source provided this video. It shows Quentin Beck as Mysterio, moments before his death. A warning: you might find this video disturbing."

"I managed to send the Elemental through the rift, but I don't think I'm going to make it off this bridge alive." Beck said through a video. When the hell did he do that? "Spiderman and his partner, both attacked me for some reason. They both have weaponized drones, Stark Technology. His partner is saying that she's going to take over as Iron Man. No one else!"

"Are you sure you want to commence the drone attack?" We heard Edith say in another clip. "There will be significant casualties."

"Do it!" Peter said, "Execute them all."

"This shocking video was released earlier today on the controversial news website: TheDailyBugle.Net"

Peter and I exchanged looks, my jaw dropped. I scooted over to Peter and turned to him to place my right hand around his arm that was linked with my left.

The news switched over to a bald man with a mustache. "There you have it, folks!" We watched as the caption of the news report titled the man as, J. Jonah Jameson. "Conclusive proof that Spiderman, and Iron Woman were both responsible for the murder of Mysterio! An interdimensional warrior who gave his life to protect our planet and who will no doubt go down in history as the greatest superhero of all time! But that's not all folks, here's the real blockbuster. Brace yourselves. You might want to sit down."

"Spider Man's real-" the video switched back over to Beck filming himself. Finally, the video clipped over to two photos sitting side by side. My eyes were widened to see mine and Peter's photos from our high school yearbooks in our Sophomore year. "His real name is Peter Parker, and the girl in the Iron Suit is named Y/N Stark!"

"Holy sh-!" I mumbled as Peter goes, "What the fu-!?"

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