16: Back in Black - AC/DC

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(Y/N's POV)~

Happy exchanged a look between us, "I mean, right now. Like specifically, what are we going to do because we've been hovering over a tulip field for the last 15 minutes."

"Right uh, I can't call our friends because he's tracking my phone..." Peter said, "Uh, give me your phone?"

"My- My cell phone?" Happy asked.


"O-okay." He pulled the phone out of his jacket pocket and Peter took it from him.

"What's your password?"


"No, Happy, what is your password?" I said, facepalming.

"Password. The word password, spelled out password." Happy said.

"You're the head of security and your password is password, Hap?" I asked.

"I don't feel good about it either, Miss Stark." Happy said. I looked over to see Peter looking up Flash's livestream and we watched Flash do a terrible representation of an English man.

"Ello, guv'nor! We're in London!" Flash announced.

"They're in London!" Peter said quickly, and Happy got up.

"London. Okay." Happy said, getting ready to depart the plane.

"Yeah, I need a suit!" Peter called out, and Happy turned to us.

"A suit?" Happy grinned and walked over to the cockpit of the plane. He reached over his head and pressed a button. We heard something whir, and the both of us turned around in shock to see that the back of the plane was now accessible to all of the equipment installed inside.

"Whoa..." we muttered and watched everything come out on display.

Happy looked at me and gestured me to walk over to him as Peter went to work. "Come here, I wanna tell you something." Happy said. I tilted my head in confusion. "I can tell you now, you meant everything to Tony. It was his decision to adopt you, and he took you in, okay? Here." He lifted up my wrist and tapped on my bracelet twice.

"Hap, what are you doing, don't-!" I started to say, then I watched as the nanobots snaked around my body whole. "This is not what I signed up for-!" My suit was in the color of silver and red, in representation of my dad's old suits. I looked around surprised and saw how well it fit me perfectly. Peter was watching me and his jaw was dropped as he stopped working in the back of the plane.

"I-I-uh, I was totally not gazing over of how tight- how beautiful you look in that suit!" Peter stammered and I sent him a glare. "I'll shut up now." Peter mumbled, and then turned back to his station. "Bring up everything you have on Spiderman." Peter said to the A.I. "Yeah...open that. Okay. No...no...no..." I caught him smiling at me, and I just shook my head.

Before I could say anything else, a helmet formed over my head.

I heard a voice, "Scanning for facial recognition..." I was taken aback and looked at Happy, scared.

"Don't be scared, just wait." Happy reassured me and smiled.

"Hello, Miss Stark." A familiar voice said.

"H-hello?" I replied, shaking nervously. "D-dad?"

"Welcome to Mark 3000."

"Your dad is proud of you." Happy said, "He knows you've lived a rough life, and he couldn't be any more proud than he is already. By the way, since he was too busy before to celebrate your birthday that day..."

The A.I cut through as soon as he said that as if he knew that was going to happen, "One new message."

"Listen, I know things haven't been the same, and you're probably wondering why you're hearing my voice in the suit." Dad started to talk with a smile. I started to reach out for him, but I remembered this was an augmented reality thing. "I modified your suit in the lab while you were sleeping because you were up all night video calling Peter." I felt my cheeks burn. "I know you've only made a few tweaks, but how about letting your old man tweak it a little more? Anyways, I am sort of installed in your suit. Kinda like FRIDAY, or JARVIS. Have fun with the acronym, just make it sound good for your old man. I wanted to part you that gift before I head out to do that big hero mission thing with your boyfriend. I promise, we're going to win. Life might start changing for you after that day, okay? I know you're going to be stubborn about it because you're my daughter. I also know damn well that I made the right decision. I have two beautiful daughters that I'm proud to call my own. Happy birthday, Y/N, and just remember, I will always love you, 3000."

"Thank you, dad, I love you too..." I sniffled.

Happy was smiling at me from the cockpit, and I tried to have the helmet disappear for a bit to wipe my face.

"W-what?" I pouted.

"Nothing." Happy said, "You guys get ready, and I'll take care of the music." He pushed another button from the ceiling and the surround system blasted with the song, "Back in Black".

"Oh, I love Led Zeppelin!" Peter exclaims happily, and I snorted.

I exclaimed back, "Pete, this is AC/DC!"

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