15: The Next Iron Man

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(Y/N's POV)~

We walked for a while down a field of flowers from the small village. Peter didn't want to stop until our ride was here. We heard a loud engine roar above us, and we turned around to see a small plane approach and then land in front of a windmill.

The latch opened from the small plane and Happy walked out. "Y/N? Peter?" Happy called out to us. "Are you both okay?"

"Happy? Is that you?" I asked.

Happy looked confused and said, "Is that me? Yeah, of course that's me-!"

"STOP!" Peter yelled, holding his hand out in front of us.

"Peter-" I said, looking concern.

"Tell us something only you would know!" Peter shouted.

"Only I would know..." Happy started to say. "Remember when the three of us went to Germany? You two wanted to sneak out on a date late at night and her dad was trying to figure out where you were, so he wanted me to place a tracker on Y/N's-"

I didn't look at Peter, but I really wanted to throw something at Happy right then as my cheeks started burning up real hot.

"Okay, it's you, it's you, it's you!" Peter stammered, and I brought him over with me to Happy as fast as we could to hug him. "Stop!"

"Happy..." I said, near to tears. "It's so good to see you." I haven't seen Happy in what feels like forever. He's been staying with Peter's aunt for most of it and we both considered that vacation time.

Everything hurt all over. Happy was the only real family I had left. He knew everything about my dad, and he surprisingly took everything well after dad's funeral.

Peter wrapped his arms around the both of us, and Happy returned the hug. "You kids have got to tell me what the hell's going on here..."


We were inside the plane now. Happy managed to find us something to eat before he went and got medical supplies. I sat across from them and Happy began to stitch up Peter's wounds. I only had a cut on my forehead that wasn't really too big so it didn't take too long for Happy to stitch that up.

Happy mentioned that it was quick thinking on Peter's part when he took the hit from the train first and held me protectively. He told us that if Peter didn't grab me when he did, it could've been way worse.

"Almost there..." Happy said, "Okay? Hold still...There we go..."

Happy pulled on the string that caused Peter to wince. "Ow...!" he mumbled, and he instinctively held my hand that caught me by surprise.

I smirked at him and joked, "I thought you had super strength, Pete."

"It still hurts." he frowned.

Happy pushed through once more and Peter squeezed my hand tighter as he gritted his teeth, "Happy..!"

"Alright, relax." Happy said. "Just a few more, there we go-"

"Oh my god, Happy!" Peter started raising his voice. He let go of my hand and slammed a fist down on the table.

"Relax, Pete!" I shouted at him angrily.

"DON'T tell me to relax, Y/N!" Peter shouted. "How can I relax when I've messed up so bad!?" Happy and I just sat there silently in shock. He removed his glasses and set them down. "I trusted Beck. We, trusted Beck. Right? I thought he was my friend so I gave him the only thing your dad left behind for me and now he's going to kill you, our friends, and half of Europe. So please. Do NOT tell me to relax."

He slumped in the chair near him and raked a hand through his hair and I wanted to go over there and comfort him, but I stayed where I was.

"I-I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry Happy." Peter apologized. "I shouldn't have shouted..."

"I really miss him..." I said, letting tears fall down my face.

"Yeah...me too..." Peter mumbled.

"I miss him, too..." Happy said.

"Everyone's expecting me to bring out the one thing they can rely on from me." I started to say.

Well, I might as well tell these two what I've been thinking this entire time. I can't hold it back anymore.

"For years, I've been adopted into several families until I met Mr. Stark." I continued. "During those two years I've had with him and him teaching me everything he knew up until...he-he died. I tried to modify the suit that was with this Calantotte bracelet that Pepper gave me after the funeral. Granted, I wanted to merge that with the gift that Peter gave me during Homecoming, to make it my own, but I couldn't do that. Pepper said that bracelet was a part of him. I think everyone is expecting me too to follow his footsteps, but I'm not biologically his daughter. I'm no one's daughter. Turns out, Pepper was pregnant after she helped Mr. Stark win that battle with Thanos. I just- I can't- I'm not smart enough to do any of this. I don't want to show the whole world who I am. I'm not the next Iron Man, and neither is Peter..."

Peter and Happy were quite shocked after hearing me blubber.

I was crying while I said all of that, and Peter finally came back to sit next to me. He kissed the top of my head as he embraced me. I was so, so tired. I was ready to go back home and forget any of this happened.

"You're not Iron Man, and neither are you, Peter..." Happy finally said. "You're never going to be Iron Man. Nobody can live up to Tony. Not even Tony. Tony's my best friend, and he was a mess." I rested my head against Peter and we looked at Happy. "He second guessed everything he did, and he was all over the place. The one thing he didn't second guess was adopting you, Y/N, and picking you, Peter. Y/N, you changed his life. I don't think Tony would've done what he did if he didn't know you two were going to be here after he was gone...Y/N's in trouble, your friends are in trouble...you're both all alone. Tech is missing. What are you both going to do about it?"

Peter exchanged a look with me and we stood up. In unison, we said, "We're going to kick his ass."

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