Chapter 4

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Joelle's POV published: 02/18/2021

                         The shower was long and warm. I took as long as I could not wanting to face Mateo. I didn't bother putting on any makeup. I simply dried and combed my hair.

I looked over to the clothes he left for me on the counter. 'Is he serious right now?' I thought while searching the room for any other clothes.

He left me with what I assumed was one of his oversized T-shirts that reached my knees and some matching undergarments. 'Ugh! He really was a guy!' I sighed as I slipped my small body into this large shirt. I put my long hair in a messy bun since I didn't want it in my way all day.

I then walked over to the bed letting my body fall flat on its surface. It was only then that I realized what was happening.

Sammy for sure knew where I was. I wasn't even mad at her anymore. Now that I understood and knew who her cousin was, I realize I should have just listened to her when she told me to walk away.

If I know my best friend well, I'd say she was probably worried for me right now and probably freaking out.

I knew my parents weren't going to come looking for me, especially after last night.

All I could do was let whatever happens happen or try to find a way to escape.

I laid down on my side feeling the t-shirt slowly slide down my waist as my hip was up. I started gazing out the bared window and almost fell into a deep sleep when I heard the door unlock and someone coming in.

I sat up rubbing my eyes and saw... "Sammy?" I questioned and she stared at me looking sorry. I stared at her back and opened my arms widely for her. Next thing I know she's running towards the bed and jumped into my arms.

I pulled back now letting all of my emotions out. I pouted and felt the tears forming. This was the thing. With Sammy I felt comfortable enough to show all of my feelings and talk about anything without feeling embarrassed or judged.

I have been hiding how I've felt about this situation the whole time, but now that she was here, I couldn't hold back.

She stared at me and I watched as her eyes softened. "Sammy what's going on?" I say as tears stream down my face. She takes me into her embrace and I take her back. "I tried to talk him out of it J but he wouldn't listen to me." She struggles to say and I pull back. "Talk him out of what?" I ask confused and she hangs her head down low. I watch her face become filled with worry. "He wants you as his Joelle." She finally says and I pull back leaning on the wall. "W-What do you mean?" I choke on my words.

Sammy sits up right on the bed and stares at me. I could see the guilt she felt and the worry she had for me. It only made me more scared. "He took an interest in you at the club when you started yelling at his men and him even..." she trailed off. "An interest? Is this man sick!?" I almost shout. She looks at me and sighs, "Joelle, he won't hurt you as long as you do what he says." I scoff and stare at her waiting for her to say that this is all some sick prank. "Do what he says? Sammy! That's the best advice you could give me? How about you go to the police and tell them everything?!" I beg her but she shakes her head. I'm so frustrated right now. I could actually kill her. By the look on her face I know she felt guilty.

Truth is, it wasn't her fault. It wasn't mine either, but if I had just listened to her, we would be hungover in my bedroom right now.

"J it isn't that simple.. practically the whole state works for him, he has enemies everywhere and he managed to get the police department under his influence." I run my fingers through my hair and let my head hit the wall behind me.

"Since when we're you family with a gangster?" I asked and she noticed the pain in my voice. She choked and said nothing. "Did you think I would stop being your friend if you told me?" I questioned deeper. She snapped her head up to look at me in a second. "I was scared that word would get out, or that you would be put in danger, just like you are now." I stood up and started walking around the room. "You think I would tell people?!" I felt like she didn't trust me with this.

She got up as well and walked towards me. She took my hands in hers and looked at me with tears forming in both our eyes. "You've always wondered why my parents were so overprotective... this is why. That is also why we changed our last names from Santos to Miller" her family would be out in danger if anyone knew of their family connections.

I was still upset but I could finally understand. She didn't tell me to not only protect herself and her family, but to protect me as well.

I fell to my knees and started crying like a mad woman. She knelt down to the same level as me and hugged me tightly. "Sammy I'm scared. I want to go home, please! You have to help me get out of here!" I pleaded but she just held me in her arms.

We some how made it back to the bed where she was still holding me. I was shaking and the tears were wetting the sheets underneath me. "Joelle, I wish I could help you get out of here but Mateo has this place surrounded with guards and dogs. There is absolutely no way to get you out with out no one noticing." She rubbed my back.

I calm down a bit and just laid there with her holding me in the silence.

About 20 minutes later the door swung open. "Sam it's time." I heard his voice. That voice I now hate. "Just a second Mateo, I need to say one more thing and then I'll be right out." Sammy says buying us some time to be together.

She sits us both up on the bed and holds onto my arms. "Listen J, I know this isn't what you want. But there is absolutely nothing I can do to help you, I really wish I could. I will keep on trying to convince Mateo to let you go but please, don't do anything stupid! I love you too much bitch." I smile and feel tears forming again. "I love you too whore." I hug her one last time before she walks out the door and I hear that plain lock.

I didn't see Mateo or anyone for the rest of that day.

I know someone brought me food but I denied it. I wasn't very hungry. I was thirst though. But not for whatever drink they brought me. I wanted water.

I watched the day pass through the window for most of the day. After a few hours I finally let myself fall into slumber.


That was the end of "Just Obey" Chapter 4. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it! Make sure to leave all of your amazing thoughts and opinions in the comment section below! And also don't forget to vote!!!

If you haven't already, make sure to check out the previous and already completed book I wrote called "His Princess". That book did really well and I'm hopeful that this one will get just as much live and support!

Anyways, thank you guys so much for the support and I love you guys all my crazy lovelies!

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