Chapter 46

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Joelle's POV                       published: 03/12/2021

"25 year old male was shot in the abdomen. Bullet wound is on his chest and the bullet is still lodged inside and dangerously close to his left lung"

The doctor presented this patients case, leaving all of us interns in the ER shocked. We've never seen or heard of a case this severe in our hospital. None of us were surgeons.. we were just first year interns.

I snapped out of my shock blindly staring at this group of people and began shouting to the other interns.

"Page the chief and tell him exactly what the paramedic just told us, I'll take him to the OR and prepare him for surgery!" I shouted and everyone but Hill listened to me. "Madden you're not a surgeon." He whispered and I nodded my head. "I know. I'm not going to perform surgery on him I'm just going to speed up the process for the surgeon who will." I said back and he backed off and went to go talk to who ever he could.

I walked over to the patient as to help and when I looked down my heart stopped. I looked up and around and saw familiar faces. It was Aaron and Charlie.

They had noticed long ago it was me in their presence but stayed silent. Aaron had blood all over his clothes and Charlie had a few drops.

I looked back down and my heart began to race. "Mateo!" I shouted and the doctors around us stared at me confused. "Mateo was shot!" I shouted more to myself to bring myself to the reality that was.

It was a few moments later that I rushed them to the OR room. Mateo opened his eyes a bit on the way. "J-Joelle?" He spoke and I looked at him and smiled with tears in my eyes. "Shhh, you're going to be okay, you're going to be okay, you're going to be okay." I kept repeating. Once he closed his eyes again I sighed.

He was set up and ready to have surgery. "MADDEN!" I heard an angry voice shout. I looked up and saw McKay. "What the hell did you think you were doing?!"

"I saw a patient, and I gave him the immediate care that he needed sir. I wasn't going to perform surgery on him since I am only an intern nurse, I just wanted him to be ready." I said all in one breath and he sighed. He looked at me noticing my tears and stressed out face.

"Your boyfriend?" He asked and I shook my head. "No sir." He nodded at my response and dismissed me. "I'd prefer to stay, please... I need to hold his hand sir.. please" I begged him and sighed.

"I'll allow it. Just this once and then I will see you in my office after surgery." He said and then proceeded to cut open Mateo.

I held his hand the many hours there.


After Mateo's surgery, he was taken to a room and I was scolded the whole way to the chief's office.

He sat at his desk and I stood in front of it with my head hung low.

"What you did today was completely unacceptable." He said in a low but stern voice.

"I know sir." I replied.

"You are simply an intern and you had no right to make the calls that you made today." He once again in a low hit stern voice said.

"I know sir."

"But you made the right ones," he praised me for a moment.

"I-Thank you sir."

"You would make an amazing surgeon with instincts like those." He advised me and I looked up to meet his gaze. "I-I don't know sir." I choked and he smiled.

"Very well, suspension for a week" he said and I took a breath and let it go. "I understand sir." I said waiting for him to say something else.

"You may visit the patient whenever you'd like. I don't know what he is to you.. but he's very lucky to have you Joelle." He said and I smiled. "Thank you chief."

With that I walked out of his office and practically ran to Mateo's room. In the room I saw his brother and sister sitting beside him.

"Joelle!" Dalya Mateo's sister shouted and ran to hug me. I hugged her back and did the same with his brother Anthony.

"He's going to be okay right?" Anthony asked me and I smiled at them. "The surgery went well and they took the bullet out of his chest." I told them. Anthony stared into my eyes with his deep blue ones. "Joelle, I grew up around gangsters, I know how bullets work.. will he make a full recovery?" He asks me and I flinch. "A few of his nerves were hit but he WILL make a full recovery, he has to... it's Mateo." I tell them and they feel some type of relief.

I leave them in the room to comfort they sleeping older brother while I look around for Aaron.


I wonder around the hospital for a while before finding Aaron in the cafeteria. He sees me and smiles while I make my way to his table.

"I don't want to talk about it so don't ask me.." Aaron said and I nodded and sat with him. "How is he?" He asks and I nod. "I'm sure he'll be just fine, he's always fine." I say in a bit of a tone.

Aaron sighs and sighs leaning back in his chair. "Fuck!" He shouts and storms out of the hospital. I was a bit worried but decided to leave him alone.

Just then was when the TV clicked on and the news was playing.

"Mateo Benjamin Santos, former mafia leader of the Santos was shot earlier today in his own office by a John Doe!" Said the news lady. "A John Doe?" I questioned to myself. "The shooter managed to escape and is still out there, so be careful of your surroundings please."

Mateo was shot in his office. Why was he shot.


I went home to get everything from today off of my mind. It was too much.

It started off with me being late, then my boss confessing he's attracted to me, then we have to do boring scut it the ER, to finally setting eyes on the love of my life after not speaking or seeing him for a full year, not only that.. he was shot!

Today is too much for me to handle.

I go to sleep with everything on my mind.

Whoever his shooter was, is still out there. They probably won't stop until Mateo is dead.

I still had every ounce of love for Mateo that I did the night I left him, and losing him would break me. Why can't he just live a normal life away from all of this violence.

Why can't he settle down and be happy?!Why can't everyone just leave him alone?!


You guys, I'm finally on spring break. So I'm going to have a full week off of school and time to write and write as much as I can. So if you get confused with all of the fast updates. It's literally because I have absolutely nothing else to do with my life at the moment! Thank You!!!!

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