Chapter 12

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Joelle's POV                   published: 02/22/2021

Aaron pulled us away from each and calmed us down. Kind of. "Mateo is coming back in a couple of hours, go shower and change! I doubt he's going to wanna see either of you covered in each other's blood!" He shouts.

That's honestly the first time I've heard Aaron shout. Crazy.

I walked past Olivia making sure to bump our shoulders and smile. I can see Aaron make a disappointed face while he follows me. But I could honestly care less.

'Why is he following me?'

We both walk into my room and I sit on my bed while Aaron stands in front of me but not too close. "What in the hell Joelle!" He almost shouted and I looked up at him. "That was not you in there." He started claiming and I laughed.

"The thing is, that it was me. And she mentioned something about my parents that I only told Sammy! So I wasn't going to just let it slip Aaron!" He sighs and looked down to the floor while putting his hands in his pocket.

'Did Sammy really break our trust and tell Olivia about that night? How could she? I even told her about my incident with her last week!' And as if he could read my mind, Aaron answered my question.

"It wasn't Sammy... Mateo has cameras all over the city." I looked up at him confused. "After we brought you here, he did a background check and one of the cameras caught a video of your dad hitting you through the window."

"So Mateo told her?" I balled up my fists. "No, everyone in the gang knows each other. So she probably convinced one of the boys who has access to all the information Mateo keeps to show her."

I laid down and laughed. "Whatever, she wants to go and call me or say whatever she wants. Then she can." I look over at Aaron and smile. "I missed having you around here dude!" I gave him a quick hug and walked into the bathroom to shower.

After my amazing shower, I changed into some short shorts and a large hoodie. I completely had forgotten what happened just an hour ago.

I know Mateo was going to get on my ass when he got home but I could just pretend to be asleep. Nah he wouldn't care. His hoe ass would simply wake me up.


A few hours pass by and I decide to turn off my phone and start playing on my phone. THAT'S when I heard him come home.

The downstairs front door slammed open and shut loudly. "Where the fuck is she?!" I heard Mateo yell at Bertha I'm assuming. Chills ran up my spine. Fuck I didn't think he would be this mad.

His loud and heavy stomps make their way up the stairs and to my bedroom door.

'He sounds extremely mad. I've never heard or see him this mad before. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't absolutely shitting myself.'

Boom! He slammed my door open and then slammed it back shut.

I jumped and sat up barely making eye contact with him. His feet start coming toward me and I back up until I hit the wall.

This was no use because he only grabbed my legs and pulled me back to him. "Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me. Joelle!" He said it very slowly but very pissed off.

I didn't answer him. Only stared into his dark and emotionless eyes. He grabbed me by my throat tightly pulling my body closer to him, in one quick motion. I gasped at the sudden movement.

"If I remember correctly, I told you to behave, right?" He said once again in a low voice. I only nodded my head. "WORDS JOELLE! and right now you will call me by sir and not my name!"

That's kind of weird but who am I to protest right now. "Y-Yes sir." I struggled to say and he threw me back on my bed. I used my hands to trail the small of my neck that pained me.

"Take off your clothes." Mateo demanded way to calm for my accustom. "W-What? No." He groaned running his fingers roughly through his hair. "I'm not going to fuck you Joelle! Just take off your damn clothes!"

I still refused to. I didn't trust him.

I know he could hurt me or do whatever he wanted to me and get away with it.

"Joelle... I'm so fucking close to just beating your ass! If your clothes aren't off in the next 15 seconds... I'm going to force them off of you!" He spoke.

I sighed and slowly took off everything but my underwear and bra.

I looked down at my body and gasped. It was covered in huge and small bruises and cuts. I looked up at Mateo and he was trailing his eyes all over my body. He looked absolutely deranged.

When I looked back up into his eyes, I saw many things. Anger, frustration, darkness, and... lust?

"Why the fuck... can't you just behave Joelle? It never ends well for you." He taunted me. He kept stepping closer and once he got to being right in front of me again he pushed my body down flat on the bed. "S-Stop." I was scared. I seriously was thinking he might have the guys to... rape me.

He climbed on top of me and started sucking on my earlobe before moving to my neck and then my chest. "M-Mateo." I moaned trying to tell him to stop. His head snapped up and looked at me. Arching an eyebrow and then I realized. "So-Sorry... sir." I flinched from his gaze on me.

He look and stared at me for a moment before I felt a sharp pain on my stomach.

He pressed his thumb against one of my bruises. I screamed out in pain. He held his thumb on it and spoke into my ear.

"You are many things, but obedient is NOT one of them chaparrita." I felt the tears starting to form in my eyes. "Please! Stop it hurts!" I cried and he just pressed on a different bruise and harder. "FUCK!!!" I gripped the sheets crying louder and louder.

'Is he fucking crazy?! This hurts like crazy!'

I didn't want to see his face of amusement. He was enjoying this for sure. I just know it.

I put my hands on his chest to push him off but he wouldn't budge.

I just wanted to go back home and forget any of this happened. Forget this house. Forget training. Forget Mateo.

He finally got off of me and backed up a little. I was laying there crying. My eyes were probably puffy and red. I inched away from him and crawled under my blankets facing away from him.

"I told you to behave Joelle! And you disobeyed me!" He shouted at me and I must've been crazy cause I shouted back. "Fuck.You Mateo! She attacked me! And I can bet my whole life that you're just going to let her off with a fucking warning! I just want to fucking leave this house... and you!" His whole facial expression changes and he starts marching back to me. I back up again and he grabs my face harshly. "Fucking try it and you'll see what will happen chaparrita." My nose puffed and more tears fell from my eyes onto the palm of his hand. He then shoved my face away and walked toward the door.

"You might as well just kill me already!" I thought I said that in my head but I didn't. Mateo sighs and turns to me. "Trust me, if I wanted you dead then I'd have you dead." He walked towards the door once again but turned to me and said.

"Joelle, I advise this be the last time I catch you with bruises and cuts that aren't from me. I fucking mean it!" Then he leaves. Leaves me in my peace and quiet. To cry in silence.


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