Chapter 8

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Joelle's POV                      published: 02/19/2021

                          Mateo has been watching me extra close since he gave me permission to go back to school next week.

The fact that I'm excited to go back to school is embarrassing. I was dreading this year because of all the grownup shit. But being locked up for so long can really give you a different perspective on things.


I was wearing some short ass shorts and Mateo's shirt he gave me the first night I was here. Except it didn't reach my knees this time because I tied it behind my back.

I'm laying down on my bed watching a Netflix show that Aaron recommended me. Before I even start it, I decide I want to eat snacks while watching it.

So I make my way down the long steps and into the kitchen where I see Aaron, Dave, Charlie, and a few of other of Mateo's men.

I smile at them and make my way to the pantry. I walk in and look around at all the snack that we only have because of me.

When I first got here, the pantry was full of beer and peanuts. But whenever the grocery lady comes around I make sure to add a bunch of snacks like chips, candies, sodas, juices everything.

I'm reaching for the chips that I know were placed on the top shelf by Mateo. He knows I can't reach that high. I huff to myself looking around for a solution.

That's when I feel a large pair of hands on my waist and they remove one and reach for the chips handing them to me. I turn around and smile, "Thanks Aaron." He smiled back but he doesn't let me out of the large pantry yet. "Pull down your shirt or change before Mateo sees you." I pout and look at all of the guys outside.

I decided to ignore them Aaron and grab a bowl. "Mateo isn't going to anything, it's not a big deal." I shake some chips into the bowl and turn around to give Aaron the bag.

"Aaron can you please put these ba.." I turned to see Mateo staring me dead in the eyes and the guy in the back whistling. 'Oh shit.' I thought to myself. I manage to put on a smile and lightly buddy punch his arm, "heyyyyy you..." he quickly grabbed the knot in my.. well his shirt and pulled in letting the shirt fall down covering my body.

"In my office, now!" He says so very strictly. He starts walking away to his office and I turn around flipping off the guys for whistling. "I told youuuu" Aaron sang and I stuck my tongue out at him to which he put his hand on his chest dramatically acting like I hurt him. "NOW JOELLE!" I jumped almost forgetting and sprinted to his side.


Mateo is sitting quietly in his desk, while I'm standing in front of him stiffly.

'I'm sure the boys are making plenty joke right about now.' I mentally roll my eyes.

I stare down at my feet playing with my fingers. Why am I so nervous? I didn't do anything wrong.

"What the fuck was that Joelle?" He asked me harshly. I was about to answer when he cut me off. "You wanted them to look at your ass or what huh?!" I got irritated. He didn't even let me answer his first question and he was started to bombard me with more. "I was literally just getting chips to watch Netflix it isn't that deep Mateo!" I mistakenly shout back at him. He bangs on his desk and makes his way towards me. I back up until I make contact with his wall. He puts his hand around my throat, not hard enough to hurt me but enough to make me stay put. "Don't you raise your fucking voice at me chaparrita! If you're gonna be a whore do it somewhere else!" I laugh at that last part and shove him away from me.

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