Chapter 13

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Mateo's POV                     published: 02/22/2021

                           Hearing Joelle cry out in pain like that confused me. I didn't know how to feel. I couldn't figure out if I enjoyed it, or if it hurt me seeing and hearing her cry at my touch.

I want her to be completely mine, but I'm pretty sure I've ruined any progress we had just today. I should have just taken her with me when she wanted to go.

I know how Olivia is, and I also know how Joelle is. So what did I expect to happen?

I just don't want my chaparrita to be harmed by anyone. Other than me of course.

Truth is, I didn't first take an interest in her at the club. I've been interested in her for a while now. I first noticed her one day when I showed up at Sammy's school to talk to someone I do business with there. AKA the principle. We've been friends and been doing business with each other for a couple years now. That's how I got the girls to have the same school schedule.

She was walking down the street with Sammy to get in her car. I watched them and I even made eye contact with Sammy. Her reaction was to rush themselves away from the school.

It was just the way her body swayed when she walked. Her hair flowing along with the air and her smile exposing her pearly white teeth. The way she was careful with her skirt in the wind to make sure it was kept down.

From that moment on, I dreamt of running my hands through her hair while grabbing her by her throat and pulling her in, to kiss her passionately.

I later found out that she was a cute little party girl. So when I bought my club 'underground' I made sure she heard about it. She managed to get herself and Sammy on the list without me intervening.

The whole thing laid itself out. I saw her dancing with an older woman and immediately realized she was either lesbian or bi. So I told my boys to mess with Sammy but not to do too much cause she's still my baby cousin.

And it worked like a charm. It was a trap. Neither Sammy or Joelle knew.

She started wondering around for a bit like a lost puppy. I assume searching for Sammy. Then she marched over to us when she heard Sammy shouting.

And bam! I took her all for myself. Later that night I did a background check and found many clips of her father abusing her and it made my blood boil.

I decided to pay him a little visit. Got him and his wife to move out of the city. Don't ask me what I did.

Anyways, that's practically how things laid out. And now we are here. In the now. I know Joelle hates me and most likely wants to kill me. But all I want is to keep her safe and close to me.

And whenever she mentions Aaron, it makes me want to kill him more. I've gotten over it now. He's my best friend, and I mean look at Joelle, who wouldn't fall for her. Not that I have. But, as long as he doesn't try anything funny with her, I won't have to beat his ass.


Aaron's POV

Seeing Joelle in such a position hurt me deeply. She was fighting a gangster, drawing blood... causing bruises and cuts not only on Olivia but herself too.

I was extremely disappointed in how Joelle turned out to react. How could Mateo change her so much in a couple weeks that I was gone. I know she noticed that I was disappointed but she couldn't care less.

When we were in her room, she teared up trying to explain to me why she did what she did. My heart only broke. I wanted to hold her to tell her it was going to be fine and that I would get her out and away from Mateo.

But I simply couldn't. He would kill both of us.

As much as I wanted to, I couldn't. I wouldn't be able to do that to Mateo. He's my best friend and I would never betray him by taking his girl.

We just got back on good terms. He understands that I've fallen for her. He said it's whatever as long as I don't take action on it. And I promised him I wouldn't so I wasn't going to.

It still ached my heart to walk out on her like that. She hugged me and said she missed me. I wanted to.. needed to ignore her words.

A few hours later, I'm pretty sure everyone heard Mateo come home and look for Joelle. I heard almost everything since my room is right across from hers.

He was punishing her. Making her scream and cry. She was in pain. In agony.

And I couldn't help her if I wanted to. I'm not sure exactly what he was doing to her, but I know he would never rape or hit her.

He slammed her door shut when he finished and I heard her sob all night. She tried to hide it but it wasn't working.

How could he do such thing to such a fragile and innocent being? Heart Breaking!


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