Chapter 35

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Joelle's POV published: 03/04/2021

A Few Days Later

I sat in Mateo's office staring off into space, while he did some paperwork at his desk. I was thinking about something that Mateo probably wouldn't agree to.

I sat up staring at him intensely, still thinking my thoughts. "What Joelle?" He sighed. It shocked me and pulled me out of my thoughts.

"W-What?" I say and he narrows an eyebrow. "You're staring at nothing, then me, and you're extremely quiet..." he says and I glare at him, "And?" I question.

He puts his pen down and looks at me, "you're never quiet Joelle." He calls me out and I scoff. I throw one of his pencils at him and he laughs at me. "That's not true!" I defend myself and he rolls his eyes. I pull out my phone and Mateo stares in confusion.

"Hello?" Aaron speaks from the opposite line. "Aaron! I'm not always talking am I?!" I ask in a shout right away. The other end goes quiet and Mateo leans on his hands staring in amusement.

Then he sighs, "sorry, I was trying to think of a time when you weren't talking." Arron calls me out as well and Mateo starts laughing. "THANKS AARON!" He shouts and I pull my phone away shushing him. "NO PROBLEM MAN!" Aaron shouts and then laughs hanging up.

"You guys... are bullies!" I pout and he chuckles. "I never said I didn't like it." He says and continues writing.

I feel my face grow hot and red. "What?" I question and he looks up smiling, "Yes, you talk a lot, but I love that about you baby. I love hearing your voice, I love hearing your unnecessary but crazy stories, I love everything about you." He says which makes my heart go boom.

I pucker my lips and widen my eyes. "W-What? Oh my god are you going to cry?!" He says in a goofy voice.

I nod my head and run to him and jump in his lap hugging him. I give him a long passionate kiss on the lips and finally I pull back. "What was that for?" He chuckles and I giggle. "That was so cute! I love seeing your soft side it's so adorable!" I cooed at him and he gives me his contagious smile.

"So you don't like my aggressive side baby?" He asks and I smile with teeth and everything. "Of course I do, but only in certain times babe." I admit while smirking and he kisses me.

"Okay seriously, what were you thinking about so hard just a minute ago baby?" He asks reminding me of my thoughts.

I sigh. "You're going to say no." I say and he looks around. "I've changed a lot since the last time you asked me for something, try me." He says and I pick at my chin thinking about how true that is.

"I want to meet my brother." I say and his face goes blank. He has no reaction and he just stares at his computer. "No." He simply says and I throw my hands up as in 'I told you so!'

I get off of him and stand up straight. I stare at him trying to be intimidating. Which fails when his 6'0 frame stands straight in front of my 5'2 frame.

"I said no so don't ask again." He says in a stern voice and I huff. "I wasn't asking you Mateo. I'm not the girl from a year ago that needed your permission for everything." I finally say to him and he breaths in to calm himself down. "Joelle, you don't know what he's like. What if he tries to hurt you just like..." he stops himself and I look down.

He was worried that he would treat me like Axel. Which I understand. But I know how to protect myself better now and Mateo would be with me.

I walk closer to him and rest my small hands on his chest and look up into his beautiful eyes while he stares into my boring ones. "Mateo, I understand you're scared he'll hurt me like Axel did but, he's not Axel. He didn't grow up around gangsters and violence." I explain to him and he sighs. I give him my best puppy dog eyes and pout pleading him to say yes. "You know you're parents are up in Ohio as well right, probably with him." He says and I nod. "Yes, I've been wanting to talk to them to." I mutter and he pulls away from me.

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