Chapter 10

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Joelle's POV                    published: 02/20/2021

                          Every day went by slower than the one before. I started avoiding Mateo as much as I could, since whenever I did happen to bump into him, he was just plain rude.

Also, I don't know what happened between him and Aaron, but he wasn't around as much as he was before.

It kind of made me sad but I still got to see him every once in a while.

School started feeling normal again. Charlie even became apart of mine and Sammy's friend group. Charlie agreed not to tell Mateo anything that would get me in trouble with him because either way, Mateo would probably end up finding out.

Mateo would pick me up from school almost every day except for Wednesdays. I convinced him to at least let me go out with Sammy and Charlie on Wednesdays with the conditions that I have to be back at home by 10, and spend my other days training.

Any other day that wasn't Wednesday, I was training. Training for both offense and defense. Training to use all different kinds of weapons. Training to use my reflexes and resources.

It wasn't just anyone training me either. Mateo Santos himself was the one training me.

And if you thought he would go easy on me, you're wrong. I've developed so many bruises just from fighting him, but over the weeks they didn't even bother me anymore.

I made it crystal clear to him that I didn't intend and never will join his gang and he claimed that was never his intention.

He just wanted me to be able to protect myself since I was 'his girl' and he has many enemies that will eventually try coming for me. That was mainly what motivated me to keep training. I didn't want to die because of anyone's enemies but mine.

Not that I have any.

We both knew I would be ready to stop my training when I was able to beat him, in a one on one.. Which was far from soon but it was still my goal.

By the way, it's been officially 6 months since Mateo kidnapped me, 4 months since school started, and 2 months since I started my training.


I just got out of my bath from after all those hours of training with Mateo. My body is absolutely exhausted but it's getting easier.

I was about to turn on my T.V. but I heard awfully loud arguing coming from downstairs.

It sounded like Mateo's voice and a strange woman's voice. I've never heard this voice before so it was strange to me. The only women who were ever in this house were me and Bertha, the maid.

And that was NOT Bertha. I don't even think Bertha can speak that loudly.

Anyways, my curiosity got the best of me and I find myself walking towards the sounds to see what's going on.

I walk halfway down the steps and see Mateo standing in front of some blonde chick. I hate to admit but, I started eavesdropping.

"You sent me on this one fucking job Mateo! I got you all the information there was, so just fucking take it!" The blonde woman shouted. 'Oh shit! If I or anyone else spoke to Mateo like that, he would rock our shit!' I stared intensely waiting for him to react but he didn't. Wow. "Bancroft has been keeping tabs on me! And you couldn't figure out why?!" He got in her face. She looked as if she knew he wouldn't lay a finger on her. 'That's some bad bitch energy. Period.' "Think about it M! Bancroft has always hated you! He might be trying to find something on you!" She poked her two fingers to his head and he swiped his head away and stared at her with no emotion. She started to slide her hands up his chest and in his hair. He flinched and quickly held her wrist moving them away. "Mateo, why don't you just kill him and get it over with? I'll help you get your mind off of it baby." He walked away from her and turned around. I panicked and moved. 'Did she say kill? Oh shit! He didn't see me right? Please god! I'm begging you, don't let him see m...'

"Joelle, come out here right now!" He said way too calmly. Fuck! 'Jesus you did me hella dirty, imma remember that!' I take in a breath and walk down the rest of the steps. I don't even walk towards him. I stay still at the end of the stairs.

Mateo eyes my body up and down. Only then, I realize I'm not wearing any pants. Only his shirt and some panties. 'Okay, I know I wear his shirt a lot but it's just sooooo comfortable!'

He sighs and gives me a stern look while raising his left brow. He motions for me to walk closer to him.

I quickly comply and soon enough, my small body is standing next to his large one. "Joelle this is Olivia, Olivia this is Joelle." He introduces us. I can hear the anger in his voice still, which kind of scares me.

I wave at her and give an awkward smile while she rolls her eyes. 'Bitch.'

She smiles and looks at Mateo. "Mateo please, don't introduce me to your..." she looks me up and down before finishing her sentence. "...whore."

My eyes widen and fill with frustration. She doesn't even know me! Mateo is about to say something but I stop him. "How am I a whore? You were literally the one trying to get him to sleep with you. To which he rejected, so... don't call me by your name! That's embarrassing." I bite back and she looks absolutely pissed. Mateo looks down at me with an angry face as well.

I roll my eyes and he smacks my ass. I wince from how hard he did. "Go wait in my office Joelle! I'll deal with you in a bit."

I let out an annoyed sigh and walk into his office shutting the door behind me. I take a seat in one of the chairs sitting in front of his desk.


I hear their muffled voices for a few minutes and then the sound of evil making its way in my direction.

He walks in and sees me pouting with my arms crossed in his chair. "What the fuck was that?" He asked me and I looked at him in disbelief. "It's called standing up for myself. She started it so I ended it." I reply with some attitude. He stands up and walks over to me. "She's like family to me so don't ever disrespect her again! Do I make myself clear?!" He shouts and I groan out a loud "ughhh!" Then I stand up and I'm face to face with him.

"Does all of your 'family' want you to fuck them?" He burns holes into my eyes while I do the same. 'Jeez! Why am I getting so worked up? I could care less if he fucked her. Matter of fact, he probably already has.' He sighs and touches my bottom lip with his thumb.

"Are you jealous chaparrita?" He whispers into my ear. His breath tickled sending goosebumps all over my body.

He was holding onto my neck with one hand while his other was around my waist. "N-No, I would never be jealous of y-you or her." I tell the truth. Well, kind of the truth. Maybe not fully the truth.

He picks me up and sits down on the large couch with me in his lap like last time. He takes my hands and trails them up his chest. "So you don't want to touch my body as much as I want to touch yours?" He kisses my neck and his hand makes it's way up my shirt while his other pulls my head down by my hair making me whine.

I try to hide my moan but it escapes when he squeezed my boobs. He starts swaying my hips back and forth in his lap making me breathless. I close my eyes not wanting to show him the effect he has on me right now.

I feel his hard on growing underneath me, making me whimper. I was at a disadvantage since I only had my thin panties on making me weak at his touch.

I grip his shoulders and moan louder. I feel this weird knot forming in my tummy as he moves me faster against him. "M-Mateo!" I moan loudly and he stops.

My head hits his chest and my breath is uneven. I look up at him and he's smirking. "W-Why'd you stop?" I whine and he moves a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Bad actions come with consequences chaparrita." I let out a heavy breath and yawn. I would protest but I prefer to just stay like this anyways. And I was way too tired of course. "You, little one, should go to bed." He picks me up and next thing I know I'm sound asleep in my amazing bed.

What a night.


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