Chapter 14

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Joelle's POV                      published: 02/22/2021

It's been a week since the whole incident thing and I've just been being extremely careful with everything I do or say.

I was extremely upset with the way Mateo hurt me, but I don't hate him. I wish I did. I wish I had the strength to get away from him.

There was no way in hell he would actually let me leave though.

I rarely see Olivia in the house anymore. I was happy I didn't see her though, because the last time I involved myself with that bitch, I was the one being 'put in my place'.

Aaron moved back in. So I'm assuming him and Mateo are back to being best buds again. It shows to be honest.


I didn't wash my black tights that I usually wear under my skirt last night. And those were literally the only pair I bought out of the thousands of dollars worth of clothes I got myself. I think. So I hope Mateo will make way with it.

I take in a deep breath and dangle my bag over my legs trying to hide my skin while walking down the steps.

"Good Morning Chaparrita." Mateo says and I smile a bit. "I.. good morning Mateo." He turns me around and I panic. He slabs my ass through my skirt making me squeak. "Go change." He demanded. "I didn't wash the tights that I usually wear." I explain and he lightly pushes me toward the stairs. "I'll behaveeee! I promise. Look, pinky promise?" I hold up my pinky for him to take but he just stares at it confused. I sigh. "Go figure something out." I sulk as I stomp to my bedroom.

I look around and find some white tights. I knew I had these but I didn't want to wear them because well... if I happen to bend.. my skin will be see through.

I shrug and put them on. I then walk down and he smiled contently. I sarcastically smile back. "Oh no, don't do thattt, you look cute!" I laugh.

"What's so funny chaparrita?" He arches an eyebrow and I stop laughing. "How come you're being so.. gentle today?" I say and he smirks.

He walks closer to me and grabs my waist turning me around. He walks us backwards and then slams me against a wall making me cry out. Mateo moves both my hands above my head, holding them in place with only one of his hands. He places his other hand on my throat moving my head up to look into his eyes. Mateo leans in and trails kisses up from my chest to the tip of my ear and whispers, "So you like it better when I'm aggressive with you princesa?" Chills. He sent shivers down my spine. I felt like I couldn't breath. His touch made me feel things I didn't want to feel. "Hmm? I can't hear you chaparrita." He sucks in my neck causing me to moan. Fuck! Why does he always get my exact sweet spot?! "I... um.. hmmm Ma-Mateo" I struggle to say and I feel him smirk against my skin. "It's a yes or no question." I decide 'fuck it' and nod. I try to move my arms to grab him but he holds them tighter. "Tch tch tch chaparrita... words." I whine and he gets closer to my face. I can feel his breath on my lips. He swiftly brushed our lips against each other and I get eager. "Mmmm stop teasing mee!" I whine and he chuckles. I can't believe I'm saying this but I really want this man to devour me. I might regret it later but... right now that's what I want. "Tell me what you want." He smiles and I smile back. He had one of those smiles. You know.. the ones so beautiful and adorable they're contagious. And his laugh! Oh my lantaaa! He made me melt and I hated it. "I wa-want you to... to-touch me... please." He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. Before he could even get to my lips he stopped at a voice, "Hey man I..." Aaron realized what he had interrupted and quickly turned around. "My bad man! I'm sorry.. uhhhh I'll just go." He let go of my hands and my wrists kind of ached.

Mateo sighed and whispered to me before walking out, "next time." While smirking. Ughhh! Fucking Aaron!

The drive to school was silent. He got to the school and I was about to get out but he pulled me back hard enough that I landed on his chest. He placed his finger on my chin moving my head up to meet his and kissed me.

'This is so toxic! This bitch was literally hurting and shouting at me last week, and now my dumb ass is here kissing him and asking him to touch me. I am a menace to society!'

He pulled back and my face felt extremely hot. "Go to class now love." I nodded and went on my way. When I caught up to Charlie he mouth, "what the fuck bitch!" And I giggled. I turned around but Mateo was already gone and I pouted.

'No Joelle! You can't fall for him! He kidnapped you and hurt you! Ughhh but he's so hot! And sweet. Sometimes! Only sometimes! This is exactly what he wants, ughh!'

"Bitch that kiss was intense!" I lowered my head. "You saw?" He smiled and geeked up. "I think everyone saw" he motioned to the school and everyone was staring at me. "Fuck."

He laughs and starts asking me a bazillion questions. I blush from all the questions. "Hey, where's Sammy?" I ask him and he shrugs so I text her.

Me: Morning bitch!
        Where are you Sammy?

Sammy: I'm going to be a bit late :(
                  I'll see you in 3rd period though!

Me: Okay whore!
Love ya! 😘

Hmm. That's weird. Well, not really. She's always late. But 3 periods late? I'll ask her about it when I see her.


I'm waking to 3rd period and I see Sammy walking toward me. She looks confused. "Hey what's u.." I didn't get to finish my sentence because she shoves her phone in my face. "J! What is thissssss?!" She almost shouts and I look at the video and it's me and Mateo kissing.

My eyes widen and I pull her away to the nearest restroom. "How did that leak?!!!" She steps back holding her hands up. "First of all miss maam, were you going to tell me?" She sounds offended and I giggle.

"Of course dummy! That only happened this morning, I was gonna tell you all about it at lunch." I smile at her and her face drops. She looks scared.. no worried now. She starts walking back and forth breathing heavy. "Joelle, this is bad!" She says and I pull back confused kind of hurt. "Me kissing your cousin?" She sprints towards me putting a hand over my mouth. "Shhhhh! What if someone heard that?!" I apologize and back up.

"And no, I don't give a flying fuck if you kissed my cousin.. I mean TEA! But this is bad for you!" She says again leaving me even more confused. "What are you talking about Sammy?" I scoff and she rolls her eyes and runs her hands through her hair.

"Joelle! You do realize that a video of you KISSING the area's most feared man just got LEAKED right? That means anyone and everyone around the world can see it!" She shouts in frustration. I see her face fill with even more worry now.

"Okay, I might be stupid but I'm still not following." I admit and she groans.

"MATEO HAS HUNDREDS OF ENEMIES! Enemies that can hurt you J! Fuckkk!" Realization hits me and I become scared along with her.

'People are going to think we're together. I mean technically we are, but not really. But whatever! They're going to try coming for me.'

I don't remember much after that because I simply passed out. I woke up in the nurses hospital with the 'magical ice pack' on my head.

I look over and see Mateo talking to someone. Then Sammy whispers in my ear scaring the absolute shit out of me. "I didn't say anything to him. I wanted you to tell him when you're ready." I smile and nod. And she kisses my forehead and leaves.

I really hope not many people saw the video. I pull out my phone to check and HOLY FUCK!

"785,926 views..." fuck.


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