Chapter 29

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Joelle's POV                      published: 02/28/2021
Part 1 of Mateo's explanation

                           I was sitting down in one of the comfortable seats displayed in front of Mateo's desk, while he sat in the main chair at the desk.

I had brought my legs up on the chair to sit cross cross, and Mateo kept shifting in his seat. 'Why is he so scared to tell me? Is it really going to hurt me that much.' I thought. I was starting to get worried.

"What you're going to tell me... will it.. hurt us, our relationship?" I ask him and he leans back in his chair and runs his hands through his smooth hair. "I hope not." He simply answers and my heart breaks. 'So there's a slim chance it will.' That hurt.

I take a deep breath before letting it out and then look up at him. "I'm ready." I tel him and his eyes twitch.

"W-When I was a kid, around 8 years old.. my parents were m... murdered, right in front of me, my 6 year old brother and my 4 year old sister." He said. My eyes widened. It pained me that he had to go through such a thing at such a young age. "Ever since, my siblings and I were left to be raised by, Carter Stone and his wife Amanda Stone." He looked down and my heart fell out of my ass. "Stone? As in Axel Stone's..." I trailed off. "Parents." Mateo finished for me.

"They never found who murdered my parents but since I was too young at the time, Carter Stone was my fathers right hand man, so he took the leader spot." I could see exactly where this was going. "We were a happy family. My parents loved all of us, and us them." Tears started forming in his eyes.

I got up and walked over to him. "Hey, shhh baby it's okay." I cooed and hugged held him tightly in my arms. He walked us over to the couch and we both sat down. He moved me away from him and I stared into his watery eyes.

I wiped his face and he continued to speak. "When I turned 18, I took my rightful place and this gang became mine." He said with a small smile and I smiled back. "After a couple months, someone had attacked me in the middle of the night but I caught them off. They ran away before I could see their face but they left a letter." He said and looked down at his hands.

I didn't even notice he grabbed something, but he had a pice of letter paper in his hands. He sighed before handing it to me. "Carter Stone sent me to kill you, just like he did with your parents." I gasped and looked at him.

I felt the tears building up in my eyes as well. "Mateo..." I sobbed and he looked away from me. "Okay okay, let's not cry now baby. I have a point to get to!" He said with a serious face.

We both wiped our faces and stared at each other for a minute. I took his face in my hands and kissed him. "Mateo, I'm so sorry this happened to you and your siblings." I was apologizing. I don't know what for. It wasn't my fault. But I felt like I needed to take his pain away.

He smiled and moved my hands. "Okay, fast forward a couple days... Carter had every reason to believe that I was dead. So I had planned to kill him the day he got back home from his trip." He confesses and I looked down at my hands. "I wanted to kill him in front of Axel, just like he did with my parents... but Axel was like a brother to me, I couldn't have him go through the same thing as me." He suddenly got this guilty look on his face. I took his hand and rubbed over it with my thumb. "When Carter got home, he was clearly shocked to see me. I confronted him and was going to just... let him leave. But he pulled out a gun and I pulled mine. And we both pulled the trigger, only mine was the one to slice through his rotten heart." My heart ached. The man that raised him killed his parents and then attempted to do the same to him. How could someone be so cruel to a child of 8 years old. "His bullet kissed me but when I turned to the door, I saw a crying Axel knelt on the floor."

Mateo's POV

I told Joelle about the man who ordered for mine and my parents death. "When I turned to the door, I saw a crying Axel knelt on the ground." I told her and her hands reached over her mouth.

I winced just thinking back on the memory that I continued to tell her about.

Flashback~ 6 years ago

I heard a car pull into the driveway and I realized just who it was. 'Carter Stones'.

I got up from my bed, and made my way towards the entrance waiting for him to walk in. And in he did, with a huge smile plastered on his face. Only for that smile to disappear once his eyes laid on me.

"Carter I need to speak with you, let's talk in your office." I demanded and walked in his office. Soon after he did as well. "It's good to se you Mateo. It's been a while and I've mi.." I cut him off while drinking a glass of wine. "Oh, cut the bullshit Carter!"

I sat the glass down on the table. "I know you had my parents killed, and you planned to have me killed as well." His face dropped. He looked cold and evil. Almost devil like. "How?" He asks and I laugh. "You're hit man ratted you out actually." He looked betrayed. He didn't feel guilty or remorse. "So what Mateo? You're going to kill me?" He shouted and I shook my head. "No." He seemed shocked.

"I'm not as cold as you, I don't kill without reason. I don't kill for power." I tainted him.

He tried and he failed.

"My original plan WAS to kill you in front of Axel like you did my parents. But Axel is like an older brother to me and I wouldn't be able to hurt him like that." I confess and he laughs. "You're an imbecile! Just like your father!" I clench my jaw and fist. "You guys care too much! Cowards! You don't focus on what you really need to! That why I shall have the roll of being the leader!" He shouted one last time.

I then saw him reach into his pocket so I did the same only I was earlier. *BANG BANG* two bullets fired, one landing.

I looked to the floor and saw Carter's then bleeding out body. I hit him straight in the chest. "NOOOOO!" I hurt a loud screech and turned to the door to see Axel.

I had after all, done what Carter did to my parents. He knelt down and caressed his father. "NO! Father please! Wake up! Father please!! MOTHERRRR!" He shouted. He shouted for him mother. "I-Axel..." I reached for him but he pushed me. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" He shouted and I backed away.

The tears started to fall from my eyes. I had hurt one of the most important people in my life at the time.

After a few minutes of him shouting me, my brother and sister came barging in with Amanda. They all looked at me in disbelief.

"W-What have you done Mateo?!" Amanda shouted kneeling down with Carter. I looked at them all with tears blurring my vision. "Carter sent to have our parents killed, he then tried to have me killed a couple days ago. I was going to let him go but he was foolish and attacked me, so I attacked back." I quickly explained.

My siblings eyes turned cold. They looked in Carter's direction with pure hatred. It hurt me since I helped raise them since I was 8. Now my 18 year old self stood there and told my 16 year old brother and 14 year old sister why I just killed the man who raised us.

They seemed to understand me, but were still hurt. I never wanted to cause them that pain ever again in their life.

So I became the most feared man in our area. Ever since, no one dared mess with me or my family. Axel became my biggest enemy.

I've always cared for him until the moment he sent me the video of him and his men torturing Joelle. It was then, I wanted him dead. Even so, it pained me to the core actually seeing his lifeless body laying beside me. I even attended his funeral. I went in disguise, if not. His men would have killed me on the spot.


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