fourteen. @diorr

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"Wassup, been a minute since we kicked it, you've been caught up"


"No never" Dior laughed as he parked in front of the Hollywood sign. Mila had landed in Los Angeles again yesterday after she went back to Jersey to pack a few things.

Dior, had kindly offered to show her around the city since he knew how it felt like moving form one state to another.

They got out of the car and sat on the hood, eating the take away they had bought from the Chinese food restaurant just a few blocks from her home.

The pair talked about all sorts of things, even the most irrelevant conversations were made and the deepest ones caused them both to lose track of time.

"You're really funny though" Dior laughed at the joke she made "Girls can be funny too dior" Mila chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully at him.

"I ain't mean it like that, and you know it" he pointed his finger at her, stuffing down their trash in the plastic bag that came with and jumped down to throw it away in the trashcan.

"Whatever" Mila too jumped down from the car, and stood in front of him.

They leaned the backs against the car, his arm wrapped around her shoulder, both of her hands in her pocket and they both just looked into the sunset for a moment. Something that they both found corny until they gave it a try.

"I should probably get you back home now" Dior sighed. They both got into the car again, he backed down the hill which Mila gracefully took the opportunity to admire his sharp jaw and the tattoos that ran along his muscular arm that looked almost golden in the sunlight.

When he turned around to meet her gaze, a small smile tugged the corners of his lips.

They sang along to drake 'from time' and Vibed to almost her whole playlist, finding out that they had even more in common than just childhood and opinions.

In a matter of second the road had gone dark, their only company was each other and his playlist now on repeat in the background.

Scenes like these were made for falling in love. But since the both of them had literally never met before this day, they decided to not talk about relationship and titles just yet.

Dior was someone that Mila would consider off limits. Since he knew Trey and that was automatically a red flag for her but now that they already started talking and getting to know each other, she could ignore the sign.

When they finally made it to her house, Dior put the engine out and they sat in silence, neither of them knowing where to start.

"I had a great time, I would invite you in but my brother is home" Mila awkwardly chuckled, tucking a strand of her curly and bouncy hair behind her ear.

"Yeah I get that, I had a fun today" Dior turned his body so that he was facing her, he quickly took in the view before him before her hand reached for the door handle.

"I'll call you later alright?" Dior rolled down the window when she had closed the car door.

A big grin flashed across her face before she nodded her head, already eager for him to get home.

But everything just had to be a bit spoiled when she reached her porch. Where Mikey and Chris were sitting. Chris with a smug look on his face, finally finding something he could blackmail his sister with. And Mikey with a sour look on his face.

"Your new date sissy? Dior Johnson?" Chris teased as she folded her arms and rolled her eyes at him.

"Shut up Chris, don't tell Trey, please" She pleaded and groaned once he shrugged.

Mila nervously glanced at mikey, whom she had not seen or reached out to since they went to the mall together which was a couple of weeks ago, maybe even a month.

Mikey didn't bother to meet her gaze, he only scooted over, making way for her up to the front door which she gladly stuffed into the house, closing the door with a little force.

She rushed to her room, throwing herself on the bed and went over the snaps she had taken when on her little date.

Just a filler.
Heyyyy long time no see😀
Lmao I know it's been like months, no I'm not dead I just forgot since school started things has been a literal mess. I hadn't come up with ideas so I literally forgot Wattpad existed, sorry luvs <3

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