sixteen. why you so close for?

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Now I'm in the middle of the streets,
how did I ever let you leave?

"Come here!" Dior laughed, lunging for her on the bed, both of them covered in flour.

Mila tried her best to get out of his strong grip but Dior had already started tickling her, making it impossible.

"Wait, the cake!" Mila managed to cry out between her laughs. Dior laughed at her since he had the upper hand but backed away from her, taking a look at himself.

Mila too looked down at her outfit, her dirty clothes were starting to stick to her body like a second layer of skin.

He snorted, helping her up from the couch just as Trey walked down the stairs.

"I'm not letting y'all shower together if that's what you're thinking" he eyed Dior carefully. Now Trey was thankful that things between his sister and Mikey didn't work out, however he had to be careful since he didn't know Dior like he knew Mikey.

"Didn't even enter my mind" Dior held his hands up in defense, giving Mila a sly wink.

Trey eyed them both before he took a seat on the opposite couch, obviously to keep an eye on them.

Mila rolled her eyes and put the cake in the oven before she led Dior to the bathroom on the first floor.

"Come here" Dior chuckled and pulled her in by the waist after seeing her sour face.

"Why you sad for?"

"My brother's so annoying" Mila groaned and leaned her head on his chest "Don't worry about it, I respect him" Dior reassured her and rubbed her back, placing a light kiss on her cheek. Mil nodded her head and left the room to go shower upstairs.

When she left the steamy bathroom after ten minutes she found Dior sitting on the edge of her bed, dressed in a pair of grey sweats and a white tank top.

"Hey" she caught his attention as he snapped his gaze up from his phone and up to her.

A soft smile formed on his lips. Dior stood up making his way over to her, swinging his arm around her shoulders and led them both down o the kitchen.

He helped her take out the cake out of the oven, placing it on the counter. They decorated the velvet cake together, sprinkled sprinkles on top and cut up strawberries to surround the cake.

The doorbell rang, making them both look up. Trey gave them a nervous glance before he stood up to open the door.

Mila took the left over frosting and tasted it giving out a 'mm'

"Let me taste" Dior bent down to her level as she held the spoon to his mouth.

"That's fire" Dior nodded, chuckling.

He leaned his back against the counter, with her in front of him. Mila rested both of her arms around his neck as he had his around her waist. They both looked into each other's eyes, goofy smiles forming on both of their faces.

Laughter echoed through the house as Trey entered the kitchen.

"Woah, I see you Dior" A familiar voice laughed.

Dior turned his head around and extended his hand with a smile "What's up bro" They did their handshake.

Mila, confused, plopped her head out. It was Mikey, as soon as his gaze landed on her, the smile instantly wore off.

She had been hidden behind Dior, but now that made things more awkward.

Mila gave him a stiff smile before she glared daggers in Trey's direction.

"Why y'all so close for?" He asked again, this time more serious than before "Why wouldn't I be close to my girl?" Dior laughed at him and planted kissed all over her face.

For a split moment their eyes met. Mila could obviously see the hurt in his eyes, he felt betrayed and she knew that. Mila had moved on from whatever it was between them and he couldn't accept it. It was his fault in the beginning.

Trey lightly punched his arm, signaling for them to sit down in the living room to play on Trey's shared playstation with Chris whom had entered the kitchen and left immediately since he felt the 'aura' around them.

Mila and Dior later settled in her bed, putting on the show that they had started. He had offered her his hoodie which she accepted and wore proudly while he pulled her into his arms. But while she was enjoying her time with her new boyfriend, Mikey sat on the couch just downstairs, feeling emptier than usual.

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