twenty one. the incident

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IT WAS LIKE everybody knew, except for her. When Mila walked through the halls of Sierra Canyon a few day after the party, she received pitiful looks. At first she didn't think any of it. Until even those in her own friend group gave her looks.

Finally Nia cleared the tension in the air at their anguish classroom.

"Dior is cheating on you"

Those five words that Nia uttered so straightforward felt like a dagger in the heart as her voice got caught up in her throat.

Her eyebrows knitted together as she tilted her head and cleared her throat.

"What are you talking about?" Mila chuckled dryly.

"He was off with another girl at the party, a few people saw them" Nia, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, the other showing her a snap video of the unknown girl and her very own boyfriend locking lips.

The tears were on the brim of breaking out as Mila took a deep breath, seeing the classroom in front of her swing back and forth.

Mila stood up abruptly from her seat, nothing but anger filled her bones as she walked out of the classroom and directly to the gym where she knew he would be.

The gym doors swung open, a fuming Mila walked towards the gathered group.

Everybody knew what was coming. As Bronny gently pushed him towards her as to not cause a scene in front of everybody else.

Dior felt his mouth getting dry, it was no secret that he had rekindled with his ex.

"Look I know you're pissed-" A punch cut him off, one that echoed through the he whole gym as the other players held their comments in and tried their best to focus on themselves.

"Pissed is an understatement, I trusted you"

"I know, in genuinely sorry, it was never meant to happen like this, I know I'm in the wrong" Dior frantically said, his hand still holding onto his jaw.

"It's long over between us" Mila was tired of the constant apologizing and decided to take the short way out. Dior tried to grab onto her but Mila was already out the door, bumping into Mikey on the way. The tall boy furrowed his eyebrows as he caught her fall with ease, seeing her teary eyes as she hurried off.

He turned to face the rest of the team, Dior with his hand over his jaw, the rest of the team either in shock of holding in their laughs.

"The fuck did I miss?" Mikey walked over to them, placing down his bag on the bench.

Bronny shook his head at the scene that displayed and patted his shoulder, ushering the team to hurry up and get on the court.

Meanwhile Mila was speed walking to her locker, dodging everybody in her way as she took her books for the next class, after all she didn't see the point of running home over the 'incident'.

Nia soon caught up to her, avoiding talking about the topic in general, instead rambling on about her week.

The two girls finally made it to biology, their books now sprawled over the table, both of them stressing and laughing about the cut up frog in front of them.

"No you do it!" Nia exclaimed throwing the blade down on the table again, covering her nose from the nasty smell.

"Why me?" Mila cried out, approaching the frog with caution before she carefully pushed the blade on the frogs skin.

"Nope, can't do it!" Mila felt her stomach turning by before the blade got snatched out of her hand by Jelassi who cut the chest open.

Both of the girls stared at their friend in shock.

Jelassi, already in her cheerleading outfit looked at the two with a grin "I'm off to training, just came by to tell you that you're brother is looking for you" The curly headed girl waved, strutting out of the classroom.

"That girl I'm telling you" Nia sighed, slightly poking the dead and cut up frog with the end of the scissors.

Mila suddenly got quiet, chaise Nia to turn to her. She knew that Dior cheating on her hit her like a truck but Mila tried her best not to show it, like she always did.

"How are you feeling"

"Better after I punched him" Mila snapped out of her train of thoughts, shrugging nonchalantly.

Nia bursted out in laughter, clapping her hands together "You punched him?" She laughed so that her braids danced around.

A soft smile formed on Milas face as she nodded her head.

Soon after, the bell rang. Mila made her way out of the school, bidding goodbye to her friends before hopping into her brother's car.

The car ride was silent as he kept on checking up on her through the review mirror. When they got home, Mila went straight up to her room, changing into her pajamas before collapsing onto her bed, letting the heavy blankets engulf her.

Trey and Chris constantly walked by her door, listening to make sure that she wasn't bawling her eyes out every seconds. But little did they know that Mila was a quiet person, the type of person to hold her hands over her mouth to control the uncontrollable sobs.

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