thirthy one. aftermath

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Two teenagers involved in a car crash last night causes headlines all over the city.

At around one am last night, a white corvette was found hanging onto the edge of a cliff in upper L.A. The two passengers in the car were found and immediately rushed to the hospital.

Parents has become more and more worried over their children as the time goes by, what are they up to nowadays?

MILA SAT BY his side. He was getting a few stitches on the side of his face. The two had finally sobered up and processed last night events.

"Sorry, for putting you in danger like that, I didn't know what got into me"

Mila nodded her head. That was the least she could do "I can barely remember anything" Mikey mumbled and rubbed his temples.

"You asked me if I loved you Mikey" she reminded him.

"What was your answer?"

Mila stepped onto the porch and rang the doorbell. She was face to face with him after all this time.

"Hey" She mumbled quietly.

"Mila, hi" he was surprised to see her there, he had been so worried.

"Wanna come in?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Nah I'm good Dior, just came by to apologize" She smiled softly at him.

"It was wrong of me to get with Mikey during our break"

"Yeah, we'll, I've been the worst to you, I kind of understand" Dior pursed his lips. 

"I want us to be on good terms and besides, I see the way you and Nia look at each other"

"Mila, I swear to god, I've never done anything with Nia" He started to defend himself.

"I know Dior, Nia would never do anything like that towards me. So I just want us to be on good terms" She came to a conclusion that it was best to let the two of them sort out their own things.

"Are you with him?" Dior suddenly asked. The smile on his face was replaced by a serious look.

She stayed quiet.

But that was when he looked behind her shoulder. Mikey stood across the road, he was waiting for her.

"I see" Dior mumbled.

"I always knew that you loved him" Dior shrugged lazily.

"What?" Mila titled her head to the side.

"Come on Mila, you're shit at hiding your emotions, it's plastered so clearly on your face and you don't even realize" he chuckled at her.

"So then why did you even beg me for a second chance?"

"Because I knew that you'd listen to Nia's advice and because I wanted you to myself but that's changed now" Dior scratched the back of his head.

They pair big goodbye and Mila walked across the road and met Mikey. He held his hand out of her to take and the two walked down the sidewalk together.

"Have you always known?" She couldn't help but ask. The two wore matching outfits as they made their way to the ice cream parlor down the street.

"Yeah, you suck at hiding your feelings, that why I love you to death" he placed a kiss on her forehead due to the height difference.

"I love you too"

Thanks for reading this cringe worthy book guys, much love to you and I'll leave their future to your imagination <3

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