twenty five. what's it gonna be?

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THE FOLLOWING days were nerve wracking. Mila walked around the school, awkwardly exchanging glances with Mikey and Dior at the same times while Nia was at her side, teasing her about both of them.

"Wait, shouldn't you tell Dior?" Nia paused, holding her hand in front of her mouth.

"I know, I should. I will, just wait" Mila looked around, dragging her to their lockers.

Nia nodded her head suspiciously while she took her track bag from her locker before slamming it closed and proceeded to drag her feet to the back of the school.

Mila sighed, watching her friend wave her hand and turn around the corner down the hall. She turned around and felt herself holding her breath again.

Dior stood before her, a bouquet of flowers in varieties of colors and a soft smile on his face.

"Hi" he stood still in his spot, Mila doing the same as she blinked a few times.

A few people walked past, some holding out their phones while others started whispering.

"I was an asshole, I'm tryna make it up to you"

They took a step closer to each other, Dior held out the flowers for her. She accepted them, glueing her eyes on the flowers instead of at the boy who walked in their direction.

She lifted her head, locking eyes with him.

"I'm really sorry Mila, I love you" Dior said lowly, only for her to hear.

Opening her mouth to respond, Mila locked eyes with the boy behind him.

He stood a few meters away, staring at them with a blank look on his face. His friends were caught up in a conversation while he pursed his lips and turned around abruptly.

a few hours after*

you should really leave him.

Mikey I already told you,
we're on a break rn

I could treat you way better
and you know that Mila

Dior loves me

And I don't?

Why r u making this so hard?

You're the one that's complicating things

You put me in this situation!

You put itself in this situation

Mikey I ain't abt to argue
over stupid shit witchu

Look it ain't that hard
Either you drop him or don't talk to me

Ur giving me an ultimatum?

What's it gonna be?
read 12:07am

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