fifteen. played around with it

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When am I seeing you again? When are we speaking again? You look good with that ink on your skin, hood but you're far from the streets you were in.


"I don't want to hear it" Trey groaned when his two younger siblings began bickering back and forth between the passenger seat and back seat.

Mila huffed, wanting to be the bigger person so she turned around "yeah that's what I thought" Chris mumbled.

The shouting started again and only stopped once Trey had pulled up to the fancy school their mother had enrolled them in.

"You're fucking lucky" Mila flipped him off, jumping out of the car to meet up with Nia again.

"Mila!" She squeezed her friend tightly, happy that they at least got to see each other in school now since Nia had gotten grounded.

"Fighting with Chris again?" Jelassi joined them, swinging her arm around both of them.

Mila groaned and nodded her head, glaring daggers into the back of his head.

"I heard you were out with Dior Johnson last week" Nila perked her eyebrows up at her her best friend. "I mean yes" Mila got hot all of a sudden and it wasn't even the weather, she had caught sight of the boy she had been seeing and he was walking towards her with extended arms.

Jelassi let go and walked around them in circles , hollering and cheering making them both nervous and awkward at the same time.

He mumbled a quiet 'you look beautiful' in her ear before they walked side by side, his arm around her, looking like the schools new power couple already in their matching uniforms.

Nia and Jelassi walked next to them, the teasing had stopped but the occasional looks they passed were clearly not missed by the tall boy.

Mila bid them goodbye and Dior followed her to her locker, leaning on the ones next to hers, both of his hands in his pockets, the music from his headphones blasting loudly as he had them hanging around his neck.

"So I was thinking, if you're free tomorrow, we could swing by that new bakery you wanted to go to?" Dior raised his eyebrows at her.

"Sure, after school, I think our classes end at the same time" She threw in her bag and grabbed her history textbook along with her notebook and closed the locker.

Dior nodded, giving her a hug before he walked towards his own locker.

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Liked by mikey and 1378 others
mila.martone only smile like this when I'm around you🤞🏼
View all 309 comments

iamnia that's my bestfrand y'all😭

user1 pretty 💗

bronny you went out on a date😯
mila.martone @bronny please stfu☺️

diorr gorgeous❤️

mattiapolibio come back to Jersey🥺

user2 I'm so jealous, she's friends with everybody

mattia_canadafp I ship Mattia and Mila😌

user3 wait who was she out with?
user5 can't be mikey, he ain't even comment🙄💀
user3 maybe Bronny?
user6 mind ur own business damn

user4 this ain't it chief
mila.martone did I ask?

j.elassi POP OF GIRLIE🤩😍

Mikey sat on the brown couch, leaned back with the controller in his hands. While Mila was out with her new boy toy, Mikey had been at Dylan's house with the rest of the group.

Jelassi and Nia sat on the opposite couch, freaking out about Mila and Dior and how cute they were together.

"No but they would probably get married on the beach, or no, maybe like in a hidden tropical like island?" Jelassi squealed and zoomed in on the picture, seeing their best friends wide smile.

"Can y'all shut the fuck up?" Mikey bursted after a moment.

The room fell silent, everybody but Bronny just looking at Mikey as if he had grown a third head. Suddenly the black hoodie that he had thrown on was getting to heated.

"You're just fucking mad" Jelassi rolled her eyes, not bothered with his comment at all.

"Why would I be fucking mad Jessi? I'm not the one jumping from one guy to another" Mikey calmly laughed, his eyes hung low and his gaze was stuck on the television screen.

"You had your fucking chance, and you played around with it, now you're mad because she's with someone that treats her better? Please, grow the fuck up" Jelassi held her hand out, and stormed out of the house, Nia following suit after, leaving the boys.

Bronny and Dylan knew not to say anything since Mikey already was irritated, especially now after Jelassi threw all of the facts right in his face.

Maybe she was right, maybe Dior was better for Mila.

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