eighteen. twitter for iphone

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"I don't wanna be your ex, we're way to good at being friends"


Mila sat in her English class with Nia next to her, both of their heads lifted up as the girl in their class started giggling.

"Oh my god Mikey! Would you stop you know I'm short!" A giggle sent shivers down Mila's spine as she glanced at Nia.

'Pick me' Nia mouthed in which Mila nodded her head with a chuckle.

"Mikey!" The uncomfortable voice screeched again making Mila cover her ears as she banged her face on the table.

Their teacher came in and immediately started the lesson.

"Can anybody tell me about the book you just read? Little women?"

It was dead silent in the room as everybody looked at each other with knowing smiles.

"Mikey, tell us you thoughts on Jo"

"Well she was hella indecisive that's for sure" he chuckled as the other around the room laughed and agreed.

"It wasn't her fault, Jo never wanted a man" Nia spoke up, already annoyed at how everyone in the room out the blame on Jo, simply because a man fell for her and she rejected him since they were only friends.

"Well then she shouldn't have led him on" Mikey scoffed.

"How was that leading him on? She was clearly only trying to be his friend" Mila spoke up this time, feeling the same annoyed feeling.

"Yeah but then they kissed and she basically went off on him, and said a bunch of shit" Mikey crossed his arms over his chest.

"Still not her fault that he developed feelings for her, he knew from the start that Jo was a person who didn't want to be tied down, she was a writer"

"And then of course in the end she tried to crawl back to him but he was already happy with her sister" Mikey rolled his eyes.

"Nice to see that you two enjoyed the book" Their English teacher decided to break up the heated debate.

Mila grew silent, internally chocking him.

Mikey had gotten snappy and blunt ever since the night that he found out that his teammate and the girl he had feelings for were in fact dating. But he was still in denial.

Everybody saw it, except for Mila of course, she had never been one to think that highly of herself, it would've just sounded as if she had a big ego if she said out loud that Mikey had feelings for her. And Mila didn't want to be one of those girls, not when she was still new to the school.

funny how y'all girls be loyal to clowns these days smh💀

9:55am 21-02-02 • Twitter for iPhone

lol sorry if any of you don't understand what book they're talking about😫💗

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