trece. mall date (as friends)

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I'll take you on a shopping spree, cuz I'm so into you.

"Let me take you shopping" He smiled when he dropped her off at her house "What?" Mila chuckled and shook her head at him "I'm serious shawty, let me take you out, as a friend" Mikey raised his eyebrows and put his car in park.

"I don't know Mikey" Mila sighed, a clicking sound followed as she unbuckled her seatbelt "Come on, I promise I won't try anything"

end of flashback*

So there she was, standing on the curb waiting for him to pull up. She let out a sigh and tapped her foot nervously on the slightly wet pavement.

Mila's head snapped up at the sound of an engine.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting princess, I had to drop my brother off at his friends house" Mikey shot her a small smile and watched as she opened the car door and sat down.

"No worries" She simply said and clicked her seatbelt shut.

The car to the mall almost every teenager hung out at was long and awkward. Maybe because Mila still wasn't fully over what could've been and what had happened or the fact that Mikey still had feelings for her.

From time to time he would glance at her and every time she smiled at her phone his heart ached a bit. Mikey had almost convinced himself that she was smiling at memes on her phone rather than another guy.

He knew that it had gone to fast between them, but the late night calls and the morning texts made his days. Now he had gone back to his old routines of falling asleep early due to boredom and waking up early to practice everyday. It was safe to say that he wanted a fresh start with her.

Mila on the other hand had fallen asleep later than usual with her laptop on her lap and her puppy by her side just to wake up and pack her stuff for the big move.

Mikey cleared his throat and lowered the music "So you got something in mind? Sum special you wanna get?"

"I mean, I've saved for a lotta stuff, so I think I can afford new sneakers" Mila proudly smiled, putting down her phone on her lap, thankful that he had made the first move to start a conversation.

"Oh word? Damn, you got a job?" His eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Yeah, I babysit for a family that I've known for a couple of months, I also got a job at this fast food restaurant" Mila leaned her head on the window and took a good look at him.

He wore his black ripped jeans with just a white tee, which in her opinion was a basic outfits but somehow he made it look good.

She herself threw on a pair of ripped blue shorts and a black crop top, it wasn't anything special since they were just going shopping.

"Yo, you independent and shit, God damn" Mikey shook his head in disbelief.

"It ain't that hard but what about you, mister basketball star?" Mila chuckled at him "I ain't got no job, I'm in the gym twenty-four seven" He shrugged and parked his car.

"It'll all be worth it in the end right? I mean, doing what you love and turning it into a career?" She replied once they were out of his car and on their way over to the entrance "you're absolutely right"

He grinned from ear to ear, feeling relaxed around her, like he could talk about his future without feeling bad or without feeling that she would judge him by his dream and call him full of himself.

Mikey already knew that he was gonna go far, he just had to continue with his grind until he makes it.

"What about your dreams?" The automatic doors slid open, letting the chatter and noise spill out of the building.

"I want to start a business so I'm aiming towards business school"

They walked through the mall and through various stores just trying on clothes and goofing around.

"Yo" Mikey caught her attention, she turned around from the clothes in front of her. He stood behind her with a glasses that made his eyes literally look like they were gonna pop out "What the fuck" Mila laughed at the ugly face he made.

"On some real shit tho, you would look good in this" Mikey held up a deep scarlet red dress.

"Really?" Mila answered with raised eyebrows and placed her hands on her hips "Mhmm" he hummed "Alright, I'll try it on" She smiled and took it out of his hands, making her way over to the changing rooms.

He followed suit and sat on the chairs outside with his eyes concentrated on his phone.

When she was done she pushed the curtains back and walked out. The dress was beautiful, it hugged her curves just right. She nervously walked over to the big mirror and wrapped her arms tightly around her waist.

"You look good" he muttered and made his way over to her.

Mikey was right behind her now, her breath started getting heavier as she watched his every movements through the mirror.

"Why you so nervous for?" His hands travelled down from her shoulders to her arms and removed them from her waist.

"Do a spin for me" Mikey genuinely smiled at her and stepped away.

"Oh my god" Mila mumbled and twirled around for him "Oouu get it ma" Mikey hyped her up and recorded her on his snap "Stop" she whined with a smiled and covered her face.

"Bro stop" he whined back "show ya beautiful face bae" He placed his hand on her wrist and pulled her closer. Mila only laughed at him and smiled at the camera.


Anyways chile what do y'all thinK?

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