nineteen. bikinis and tans

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You make me feel like a teenager in love.

MILAGROS MADE HER way over to the round table where her friends were. They hollered and laughed at each others jokes when she sat down. Dior threw his arm around her and popped a fry in his mouth while listening to what Dylan had to say.

"I'm just saying Sierra Canyon is basically the dream high school for hoopers" Dylan shrugged nonchalant, proud that he had made the team. The others nodded in agreement.

"Mila watchu got going on this weekend?" Jelassi turned to her, a beaming smile spread across her face.

"Nothing much I think" Mila propped her chin onto the palm of her hands, suddenly losing interest in the food in front of her.

"I'm having a party, my parents are gonna be in Miami"

Mila nodded her head, signaling that she would be there. Dior nodded his head to, after all of his girl was going he was for sure not missing out.


A while later Mila was sat in front of her vanity, the light from the lightbulbs on the side of the mirror shined brightly once she turned them on.

Her mother walked past her room, rest resting her steps and marching into the room. She sat down on the bed behind Mila with a suspicious look on her face.

"Who's gonna be at your friends house?" She asked.

"Just me, Nia and probably some other girls from school" The half true sentence made it's way to her mothers' ears.

The older woman nodded before she patted her head and went to her room again.

Mila sighed, adding a bit of highlight to her cheekbones and the tip of her nose before she checked herself out in the mirror and finally walking down to the front porch.

Dior was already outside waiting for her, he looked up from his phone once she entered the car, pecking her lips before speeding off into the night.

"You look great babe" Dior smiled, not taking his eyes off the road.

Mila smiled before she noticed the cologne he was wearing. Dior would usually wear her favorite cologne but on this night he decided to switch to a brand new one.

His phone gave off a 'ping' signaling a new notification. His eyes quickly farted down to the screen before he cleared his throat and asked about her day.

Mila wasn't blind, she noticed his hand flipping over his phone so that the screen was faced down.

She decided to ignore this and just carry on with telling him how her day was.

Soon after, the couple entered the rather luxurious house, the music was coming from all over the place and people were dancing everywhere.

They eventually found Nia and Bronny in the kitchen with Dylan sitting on the countertop.

None of them were drinking that much except for Nia, she had a red solo cup in hand and a bunch of energy to spare.

"Thank God for Jelassi's moms' obsession with bikinis and tans!" Nia exclaimed swinging her arms around Milas' shoulders

Mila gave out a hearty laugh, engulfing her friend in the hug.

Dylan offered them both a drink in which Dior denied since he was driving but Mila accepted it with a kind smile.

Mikey soon entered the spacious kitchen, his jacket still on as he raised his eyebrows at Nia's singing.

Mila and Mikey locked eyes for a moment and he swore that for a split second he could see the adoration in her eyes before Dior dapped him up.

The party went on as usual and by the end of the night Mila was home, safe and sound in her bed like Dior had promised.

But that doesn't change the events that happened after.

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