twenty seven. anxious

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TREY WAS VERY uncomfortable to say the least. He sat in front of his sister while the other two guys he knew pretty well had a silent war between them about her.

"You know, I think number one suits better on you than number three" Mikey causally said, obviously throwing shade at dior.

"Nah bro, three is definitely your number babe. Number one is too cocky" Dior shot back with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Cocky? Number one is the best, that's why it's number one" Mikey furrowed his eyebrows, letting out a dry chuckle.

"Nope, definitely cocky"

"I think that twenty one is a great number" Trey chimed in, comfortably asserting his role as her older brother while he shared a warning look with Mikey and Dior.

"Eleven too" Chris mumbled, feeling a bit of an outsider for playing what America called 'soccer'.

"Yeah, I think that eleven is a great number!" Mila exclaimed, giving Chris a high five who only nodded his head.

"So, how's it going with basketball you two?" Their mom entered the dining room again after having gone into the kitchen to get the jug of water from the fridge.

"Great" "good" they replied at the same time. Dior glared at the side of his face since mikey faced front, with a taunting smile on his face.

What's he even doing here? Dior rolled his eyes and leaned back in the chair, he placed an arm on the backrest of her chair and saw Mikey side glancing the movement.

A moment later, Mikey nudged her arm, showing her a tiktok on his phone that made her lean towards him more. She gave out a laugh and Mikey looked at Dior with a smirk.

Dior felt a wave of shock hit his system, Mikey was a cocky player, not much of a gentleman. But to try and move to his girl? That was a new low even for the star boy.

Trey watched with a grin, although he was friends with dior, they didn't really get on like him and Mikey. He didn't personally like Dior, he knew of his history with girls and he knew of the cheating incident. And Trey knew Mikey very well, he knew of his history with girls but Mikey had never been unfaithful or an asshole.

"I'm so uncomfortable" Chris mumbled from next to him, watching as they fought over her like a piece of meat.

"Me too" Trey mumbled back, pushing the empty plate in front of him a bit further away from himself.

"Let's go ball" Trey said loudly, he didn't play basketball but he would do anything to get away from that table.

They all placed their dishes in the dishwasher and made their way onto the driveway.

Trey passed the ball to Mikey who passed it to Chris. Mila decided to go back to her room and turned on her heel.

She had a view of them from her windows and she cranked one open to let the breeze in. Her mom entered the room and gave her  the usual look; raised eyebrows, scolding eyes, hand on hip, shifted weight onto one leg.

"What was all of that?" She flung her arms around, referring to the dinner chronicles.

"I don't know mom" Mila groaned, dropping back onto her bed.

"Oh god" the older woman sighed, sitting down on the edge and tilting her head at her daughter.

"Both I love with you or something?"

"Think so" Mila pushed a pillow over her head and groaned loudly again.

"Have they given you an ultimatum yet?"

Mila nodded her head silently, wishing for her thoughts to make sense again because she was really not ready to admit that Mikey was really attractive.

"Was it Mikey?"

A nod received.

"Who y'a choosing?"

"Mom, please don't" She wanted to cry.

"Wait, don't you love Dior anymore?"

So she told her everything, from before they moved down to Los Angeles, to their landing. And finally to the cheating part and the part where she 'kissed' Mikey —she obviously left out the fucked parted as well—, in which her mom responded with a squeal.

throw out the old and let in the new, her mom thought to herself but decided to place a reassuring hand on her knee. Dior was a nice kid, everyone makes mistakes. For the last month she had thought that school was the thing affected her daughter's mood. She liked Mikey, he had been friends with Trey for a long while and Mikey had a really welcoming energy.

"You should take time and listen to your heart"

Mila nodded her head slowly, feeling a tear ready to drop from her eyes. But she bljcnled them away and let her mom comfort her with a hug.

They walked up to the window and watched the boys. Mikey and Dior were constantly competing against each other while Trey and Chris stood on the side and watched anxiously.

"I should get done and supervise or whatever" her mom sighed and kissed her head before going down the stairs to make sure that the two boys weren't ripping each others heads out.

"Fuck's sake" Mila groaned.

Mikey was obviously winning.

Just a little note lovlies <3

a/n: i just noticed that I completely changed and gave up on the aesthetics of this book, I started it like last year and stopped updating midway because i lost all motivation and didn't even know where I wanted to go with this book (also my writing, plot, script everything was shitty). So I am right now just planning out the final chapters and hoping for the best I guess, there's a few things that I can't fix from when I first started writing but i'll try to do my best. Much love!

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