twenty three. missed me?

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   THEIR FAMILY WAS DEVASTATED and fuming. Chris had gotten shot, in the streets of Los Angeles by a police officer who worked for the law.

Of course with Trey having a number of followers on social media for his hard work in becoming one of the most promising future football stars in the country, he posted the encounter on every platform he had. And people were mad.

But they were forever thankful that Chris made it out alive and was now walking on his own. There had been a lot of blood at the scene but if it wasn't for a mother in the crowd rushing to him and aiding him, Chris would've been long gone.

Melissa Chavez was her name, she was a nurse and a single mother to three kids. She did everything she was taught to do and helped the three siblings get to the nearest hospital just in time.

The two police officers were finally charged after their mother took them to court which was about three months ago.


Chris was finally out of the hospital, and they had decided to make their appearance at a party in the hills.

Well it was Jelassis' party and her mother and father owned a house in Beverly Hills.

Mila was having the time of her life and for the first time she was actually enjoying a party.

That was until she thought she was gonna throw up and quickly sprinted to the bathroom.

When nothing came out she stood up and checked herself in the mirror, she didn't look to unwell.

There was a knock on the door before she creaked it open and was met by a tall figure.

He quickly snuck in and closed the door, giving her a grin and leaned back against the now closed door.

"Missed me?"

"What are you doing Mikey?" She snorted, lifting herself on top of the marble countertop.

"Came to check up on you" He shrugged nonchalantly, picking at his curls.

"Well I'm fine" Mila smartly answered.

"You sure?" He raised his eyebrows at her, and she could only focus on the slit in one of them.

She nodded her head, taking another sip from the drink in her hand.

"That's bad for you" he snatched it away, a smirk following his action as Mila was now staring at him with an irritated look.

"I'm not gonna play this game with you" she chuckled, crossing her arms across her chest.

"And you think I want to?" Mikey raised his eyebrows, mimicking her body language.

Mila cleared her throat, unsure if they were talking about the drink or the situation they left each other in.

"Chris is having the time of his life" Mikey smiled softly, thankful that they all made it out of the scene alive.

"Yeah, mom and dad wouldn't let us go anywhere but he's happy to be here" She sighed.

The light in the bathroom was quite dim as he took a step closer to her. His eyes hung low as he leaned forward, tatted arms behind each side of her body.

"You broke up with Dior right?" He asked.

"We're on a break"

Mikey furrowed his eyebrows, a confused look on his face but the alcohol in his body refrained him from reaction. The rest of the night was a blur but Mikey kept one thing in mind; Mila was good for him.

I'm gonna keep it short and sweet for y'all, the whole black lives movements seems like a trend, people only spread information when it benefits them (the same with yemen, Asian hate crimes, uyghur concentration camps etc.). But it's not over I rarely see people talk abt it anymore. So please do what you can do to help (signing petitions, use your privilege, speak up!) that's all, thank you <3

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