twenty two. nightmare

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     MILA AND CHRIS were currently in Target, they roamed around the different aisles and decided to buy snacks for their movie night.

Trey was currently very early to his football game and the siblings had decided to watch the game after their target run.

"Mila" Chris caught her attention, holding up the bag of press as she nodded her head.

"Hey you better now?" Chris, once again spoke up.

Mila looked down at herself, she had finally changed from her pair of sweats and hoodie to a more 'presentable' outfit since she hadn't left the house for over two weeks, ashamed to go to school.

The only people who had checked up on her were her friends and her family.

But soon enough her friends didn't hear from her either.

But the person who didn't reach out was the one she wanted to talk to the most.

"Yeah I'm good" Mila gave her brother a smile before she pushed the cart to the cash register.

They paid for their things and in the next moment they were heading towards the high school.

They entered the football field and took their seats at the very front. A few people turned their head to glance at her but thankfully Chris was there to give them a nasty glance back. 

Their high school team soon entered the field.

Trey jogged to his position and waved to his siblings in the crowd.

At about half time their team was down by a few points and Mila went to fill up her water bottle.

Just as she made it to the back, an arm pulled her behind the bleachers.

She punched the persons arm on her before she recognized the voice.

"Yo, do you mind?"

Mila turned around, taking a step back from him.

Dior stood in front of her. He didn't look too much better than her, with dark circles around his eyes, almost an identical outfit to hers and bloodshot eyes.

"I'm sorry Mila, I really am. That wasn't meant to happen, not gonna lie to you I wanted to tell you but I knew that you would leave me if I did"

Mila tilted her head at him.

"I was gonna find out anyways, so why couldn't that be from you?"

"Please Mila, I love you"

Mila was a bit shocked, this was the first time that he had uttered those words to her face instead of through a screen. Even though they were together for a good three months.

"Three months with you and I felt like I was floating. We can't be over yet" Dior grasped her hands, tears almost forming in his eyes.

Mila thought for a while, was she gonna forgive him for this screwup and give him a second chance?

The game began again as the audience cheered above them.

"I don't know Dior"

"Alright look, let's just take a break, when you know what to do then let me know alright? I'll wait for you" Dior let go of her hands and locked eyes with her.

Mila nodded her head and went back to Chris.

After the game was done, Dior was long gone and Mila was currently driving back to their house with Chris in the backseat and Trey in the passenger seat.

They were laughing and arguing when their worst nightmare happened.

A flash of blue and red lights illuminated their faces as Mila pulled over with shaky hands and looked to Trey.

She feared that what she knew was gonna happen would happen.

"Man fuck this shit" Chris mumbled and held his hands up.

Mila rolled down her window as a male officer came into view.

"Everything good officer?" Trey raised his eyebrows with the politest smile he could muster up.

"License and registration" he said in a firm tone.

"For what officer? If I may ask" Mila asked, trying her best not to lash out.

"License and registration" he said again, in a more firm tone this time.

"Alright it's in the dashboard" Mila sighed sm reaching for the compartment.

"Woah! Slowly!"

Mila froze in her steps and nodded her head, opening the small compartment slowly and took out the pieces of paper.

She showed them to the officer and soon enough another one came into view.

"Do we have a problem George?" The other officer asked as he sneaked a look into the car.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to get out of the car" Officer George said.

"All of us?" Chris asked form the backseat.

"Step out of the car"

It was that firm tone again, the tone in voice that made her skin crawl.

So the siblings stepped out of the car. But as soon as they did tyhe oldest out of them got slammed against the car.

His hands pinned back as the two officers held him down.

"Yo!" Chris exclaimed, fear flashing across his face as he had seen this all before. Too many times.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Mila screamed as she pushed one of them. Trey got free and backed away from them.

"Don't push me young lady" The other unnamed officer pointed his finger at her.

"Keep your hands up where I can see them"

All three siblings held their hands up.

Mila looked around them, a few people had stopped on the street to record their interaction.

But in a short second all of them were holding their hands over their ears as Trey tumbled down to the ground and Chris was sitting on the cold and hard pavement, his back against the car.

Mila in the other hand was crouched down, holding her ears in pain before she snapped her head up.

Their worst nightmare had happened.

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