Chapter 12

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(Mangle's POV)

"Why did you beg for my forgiveness even though I was kind of mean to you in the past, and why were you so curious about my past?" Foxy asks me. I looked at him, panicking slightly in my head, 'What do I say? What do I say?!' "I-I uh" I managed to spit out. Foxy looked at me with a confused look. I sigh, "I guess I just saw you and saw a person in you who had gone through some kind of pain." I tell him. But why did you want to help me even if, as I said, I was a jerk?" I looked at him panicking again. "Do I tell him or not?" I-you looked like you needed friends, so I don't know, I just wanted to be your friend I guess." I mentally slapped myself when I said that 'he is just going to say no or something, why would I even try?'" I mean sure I-maybe I guess yeah ok." he says. I look at him in shock, 'Did I just hear that right?' "R-really?" "I, um, I don't know yeah," Foxy admits, sighing, "sure why not? I guess you already know quite a bit about me."I was shocked even more now. "I-I-I what!" I tried to speak, but I couldn't. "Just don't tell anyone about this, OK?" I nod quickly. Well, if you want, I guess you could stay for dinner. " He asks, kind of.

(Foxy's POV)

Mangle was silent. She looked like she was thinking. We continued to sit in awkward silence for a little while until Mangle finally said something. "Um, ok, I guess I could stay. Let me just tell my Mom." She sheepishly smiled after saying that. "Ok, well I will be in the kitchen," I say nervously. Mangle nods while pulling out his phone. I leave the room and walk downstairs to the kitchen and open the fridge, looking inside. Why did I ask her to stay for dinner? It was like something inside of me was forcing all the words I was saying out into the world.' I stayed in thought until I heard a voice behind me. "So what are we having?" I heard Mangle ask. "W-well, what interests you?" I ask. "Well, I have been craving Chinese lately." Mangle answered. "Chinese it is," I tell her, pulling out my phone to order.

-After they order

"So what do you want to do to pass the time while we wait?" I ask. "Hmmm," "Oh! Let's watch a movie! " She exclaimed excitedly. "Ok, let's do it."

—later—"Foxy I want to ask you something. " "What is it?" I ask. "Why did you let me become your friend?" She asks. I think for a moment. "I don't know exactly, but I just couldn't say no to be honest." Mangle smiled, but I quickly looked away, 'was she blushing?'
We both sat in silence until the doorbell suddenly rang. "Sounds like the food here," Mangle says, breaking the silence.

—After Eating

"That was really good!" Mangle says, holding her stomach. "Thank you, Foxy!"
"Yeah, no problem," I say. Mangle looks at the clock and her eyes widen. "It's 11:30!" She exclaims. "I have to go. I will see you tomorrow, Foxy." She says, walking out, "Bye."

After she closes the door, I start cleaning up dinner. "Man, I'm tired," I sigh to myself.
I walk up the stairs into the bathroom and look into the mirror. I feel a small smile form on my face while thinking about Mangle and the night we had.

I know it's been a while to wait for such a short chapter and I'm sorry. I will get a new chapter out tomorrow and it should be longer.

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