Chapter 22

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The 100th vote on this story was UglyDuckling0909.
It's just an interesting little thing.

I open the door and toss my broken skateboard on the floor. "Why did that one comment just break me?" I asked, dragging my hand across my face. I sigh and walk into the bathroom to tape my fingers together. I look in the mirror and get the first look at my crooked nose and bruise-covered face. I then pulled up my shirt to reveal a large bruise where I felt a stinging pain. "I should go see a doctor." I sigh to myself, dropping my shirt and feeling my stomach growl. 'I never ate lunch

After eating a quick lunch, I walked upstairs to my room. I sit on my bed and look around the dimly lit room until my eyes land on a dusty old notebook on my shelf. I looked at it as if waiting for it to tell me what it was until I grabbed it and sat back down. I brush some of the dust off and read what it says on the battered cover. "It's my old notebook for writing songs," I whisper to myself. How is there so much dust on it? We just moved here a few months ago. I wonder if I should open the book and flip through the pages filled with chords and lyrics.

I stopped on one of the pages and read the name 'Nightmares' I recognize the name and scan the page, seeing small marks where tears have fallen. I sigh, thinking about how bad I felt for so many years. So many years of my life were lost to a seemingly endless line of depression. But then I met Mangle, and the dark clouds shrouding my emotions cleared and I felt my first real emotion since he died.

I recognize that this is all good material for a song and toss an old notebook on the floor before pulling out my current one to start writing.

-a few hours later-

I sit back in my bed and read through what I have written down. I sigh and nod, closing my notebook and stashing it in a drawer. As I'm bringing my eyes back up, I lock onto my old notebook, and open to a page named 'Demons'. I tilt my head and grab it off the floor to look through the song. "Hm"

I slowly stand and walk downstairs, out the front door, to my car. I pop the trunk and rummage through it, finding my guitar and a bloody flannel with a hole in it. "Why did they put my flannel in here?" I asked, closing the trunk holding my guitar.


I sit back down on my bed with my guitar in hand, looking at the notebook page. "Alright, this shouldn't be too hard," I say, going through the chords and reading the lyrics. I sigh and strum the first chord.

When the days are cold, the cards all fold, and the saints we see
are all made of gold.
When your dreams all fail, and the ones we hail are the worst of all, and the blood runs stale.
I want to hide the truth.
I want to shelter you with the beast inside.
There's nowhere we can hide.
No matter what we breed, we are still made of greed.
This is my kingdom come.
This is my kingdom come.
When you feel my heat,
Look into my eyes.
It's where my demons hide.
It's where my demons hide.
Don't get too close.
It's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide.
It's where my demons hide.
At the curtain's call
It's the last of all.
When the lights fade out, all the sinners crawl.
So they dug your grave, and the masquerade
will arrive shouting
At the mess you've made, I don't want to let you down, but I am hell-bound.
But this is all for you.
Don't want to hide the truth?
No matter what we breed, we are still made of greed.
This is my kingdom come.
This is my kingdom come.
When you feel my heat, look into my eyes.
It's where my demons hide.
It's where my demons hide.
Don't get too close.

I close my eyes and sing louder, feeling the song as I play through the final parts.

It's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide.
It's where my demons hide.
They say it's what you make.
I say it's up to fate.
It's woven into my soul.
I need to let you go.
Your eyes, they shine so bright.
I want to save that light.
I can't escape this now unless you show me how.
When you feel my heat,
Look into my eyes.
It's where my demons hide.
It's where my demons hide.
Don't get too close.
It's dark inside.
It's where my demons hide.
It's where my demons hide.

I sigh and slightly smile as I finish the song. I look down at the lyrics and rip them out to put them on my wall. As I look up, I lock eyes with Mangle standing in my doorway. I jump slightly at the sight of her but soon settle with a frown. She smiles and comes to sit next to me. "That was a really good song, Foxy. Did you write it?" She asks. " I look down. "Yeah, I did a few months before moving here," I respond. "Well, you should play it again sometime, maybe for our friends or something." She suggests I sigh and ignore her "Listen to Mangle about earlier. I don't know what happened, but I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I'm sorry. I apologize. She looked at me. Her smile faded away slightly. "It's OK, I kind of overreacted myself and I shouldn't have pushed you." She says I sigh in relief at her not being mad and look back down. "What's wrong?" She asks. I look at her, thinking about my dad. "It's just that I haven't visited my dad for a long time," I say, smiling. "Why not go see him now?" Mangle asks curiously. "He was buried back in San Francisco, which is about a day's drive. It's not like I can just drive there during the school week. "Oh yeah, I was going to tell you we have the rest of the week off from school." She says. "Why would we have that much time off all of a sudden?" I ask. "Well, after you got stabbed into a coma, blood was found in the hallway leading to the janitor's closet, and the spring trap was unconscious for most of the day, the school was placed under investigation."

"Well, that's good "The school has been weird for a while," I say. "I guess that also means I could drive to San Francisco this week," I say, smiling. "Yeah, I could come with you if you want," Mangle says. "Would your parents let you?" I ask. They are out of town for a bit, so I'm good. We could bring Bonnie too. " She suggests "Yeah, why not!" I say. "So a road trip?"
I ask. "Sounds like this will be fun!" Mangle says. I smile and call Bonnie.

This is a pretty quick chapter that's a bit messy, but otherwise, it's OK. I hope you enjoyed it!

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