Chapter 17

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(Bad words ahead, just so you know).

(Foxy POV)

"What the heck!" I yell at Freddy quietly, so as to not create a scene. Freddy's face changes from a smirk to confusion. "What's wrong?" "You effectively left me after my dad died. That's what!" I yell again, not too loudly. Freddy frowns, "I'm sorry, Foxy We should have been there for you after that, but you seemed like you needed space, so we left you alone. " Freddy explains. "8 years is not space, that's just abandoning someone!" I yell. Freddy frowns and looks down. "I'm sorry... you're right." I then felt something touch my hand. I look back and see Mangle looking worried with a worried expression. I sigh and look back at Freddy. "Why don't you sit and eat with us?" He looks back up and smiles. "Sure, I could take a break. I'll go get Chica, how about that? " I sigh and nod.

-Freddy and Chica sit down.

Bonnie smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up. "So Foxy, who are the new faces?" Chica asks. "Right, you haven't met him yet," I say. "This is Toy Chica and this is my girlfriend Mangle." Both of them wave and smile. Freddy looks surprised and proud. "Looks like Foxy finally got a girlfriend! She's a beauty too!" Mangle giggles, and I roll my eyes. Freddy always treated me like a little brother.

Once we finished eating, Freddy told us the pizza was on him and he was going to see if he could leave early and join us. "Alright guys, we're good to go!" "Where are we going now?" Toys Chica asks. "How about we head to the park?" Chica suggests "I'm OK with that." "Bonny says" Me and Mangle nod and we leave. "Why are you so quiet?" I heard Mangle ask next to me. "I'm just a little surprised and angry." "I wasn't expecting to see Freddy today," I say, putting my hands in my pockets. Mangle goes silent, causing me to look at her. "You OK?" I am concerned. "Foxy, there's a problem." I suddenly felt a very sharp pain in my back, causing me to fall down in pain. I look up and see a figure dressed in black running past the others. "FOXY!!" I heard Mangle yell. I begin to see darkness closing in until blackness fills my vision.

(Mangle POV)

"FOXY!!" I yell as I see what happened I look up and see a figure dressed in black and the others rushing over. I look back at Foxy and see him go unconscious. "Foxy!"I shake him gently with no response. Tears start flowing as the others gather around. "What happened!" Bonnie yells. I look bare-able to speak. "That man h-he stabbed him." I see Freddy calling 911. I look down and feel something warm and wet surrounding me. I look up and see blood pooling around me. I cover my mouth with my hands now, hearing sirens blaring in the distance. "Help is on the way, Foxy, just hold on!" Bonnie yells, covering the wound with her hands to stop the blood flow.

at the hospital.

We burst through the door with the paramedics and Foxy in bed still unconscious. I run with the hospital bed looking at Foxy until we're stopped by doctors saying we need to wait in the waiting room. We are told Foxy needs surgery because he lost a bunch of blood and part of the knife broke off in his back.

-a a few hours later-

After a few hours, a few doctors finally came out of a door, causing all of us to stand up. "How is he!?" Bonnie and I asked. "He is in stable condition but he is still unconscious. The knife cut across his back and pierced a nerve, causing him to stay unconscious for who knows how long." (Don't quote me on this medical stuff, I have no idea what I'm talking about) One of the doctors says "I suggest you all get something to eat and go home." Another doctor says We all nod and head to the hospital cafeteria for dinner. "I can't believe this happened." Toy Chica says. "Who could have done something like this?" Chica yells quietly. "The police are looking for the person who did this, but with the limited destruction they are having trouble," Freddy says. "Mangle, are you OK?" Bonnie asks. I stop playing with my mashed potatoes and look up. My eyes are still red and puffy with tear stains on my face from the crying. I also have new pants because the doctors confiscated anything with his blood on it. I sigh and speak in a shaky voice, "I don't know." I say, thinking back to seeing his blood pool around me. "How about I take you back to the coffee shop so you can go home?" TC says. I nod, "OK."

-at her house

It's around 10 p.m. when I finally get home. I park in the driveway and walk inside. "Oh hey Mangle, how was your day?" My mom asks I looked over with glazed-over eyes, "it was a horrible mom." I say, holding back more tears. I then ran upstairs into my room, slamming the door and flopping on my bed. I then hear a quiet knock on the door. The door opens, revealing mom. "You know, when a teenager says their day was horrible and runs upstairs slamming their door, they might want to be left alone," I say. "And when their parents see them and it looks like they have been crying all day, they might go check on them." Mom says "Now what's wrong?" She asks. "I don't want to talk about it," I say again, thinking back to the pool of my lovers' blood around me. I flinch and close my eyes, thinking of how it feels to have a single tear run down my cheek. Right then, mom's phone rings. "Hold on honey." She says, holding one finger up and grabbing her phone. I look at her while she's taking the call until she looks at me and hands me the phone. I take it and put it in my ear. "Hello?" I ask quietly. "Oh, your mangle?"I was just calling because Foxy isn't home yet and he usually is when I get home. " "I thought since he was with you today you might know." The person says I rub my temples. "I'm sorry, who is this again?" I ask. "Oh, this is Foxy's Mom." My eyes went wide, realizing she was not at the hospital. 'They must not have notified her.' "Foxy is in the hospital right now, unconscious. No visits are allowed right now." My mom looks at me with shock. "Foxy! In the hospital! "What happened?" She asks frantically. I'm surprised the hospital didn't call you. He was stabbed in front of me and a group of friends by a person in black. " I explain, trying not to break down, only letting a small amount of shaky voice get through. "He had to go into surgery because he lost a lot of blood and a part of the knife broke off in his back." "It also severed a nerve, which is why he was unconscious for an unknown amount of time," I explain why I started to cry. "Oh my gosh!" "I can't believe it!" "I can tell you're pretty torn about this too." She says "Yes." Simply put, I say. I can hear her trying to hold back tears until she breaks. "I'm sorry, I have to make another call." She says, "End the call. I look back at my mother and hand her the phone. She has a look of shock and sadness on her face. "Well, I guess now you know." I look down as tears stream down my cheeks. She then pulls me into a hug. Oh Mange I'm so sorry.

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