First day pt 2

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(Mangles POV)

I walked into the lunch room with Toy Chica. I looked around the crowded room and saw Foxy sitting at a table with his head down. Until the others at the table saw him and looked shocked but happy to see him. One said something and then another said something. I saw Foxy say something, and then one of them said something again. Foxy got up and punched him in the nose, causing it to bleed. He then said something and began walking to the door, which we were standing by. He walked by with his hood still up, so I could not see his face. I looked at Toy Chica, confused. She seemed to look the same. I wanted to go see Foxy and ask what just happened. Why would I want to see him? Why do I feel bad for him? He is a jerk! But I still wanted to go, so I came up with a lie. "I have to go to the bathroom," I said.

"Um, OK?" Toys Chica said, looking at me I left the lunch room and saw Foxy and began to follow him. He started to go up to the roof.

"Why would he want to go up there?" I ask myself, am I still keeping a distance? I went up the stairs, still following him. I opened the door and saw him sitting on the edge in the rain with his head down and his hood off. This was the first time I saw him without his face hidden in the darkness. I sigh and walk forward in his direction, closing the door. I knew he knew I was there. I got closer. "Foxy?".

(Foxy's POV)

After the door closed, I heard footsteps "Foxy?" Someone said softly, "I knew it was Mangle."

"What do you want?" I say, growling a bit.

She came and sat next to me. "I want to know what happened in the lunch room," she said plainly.

I sighed and turned around so as to not face her. 'Why does she care?' "Why do you care?" I asked.

"Well, you did punch a guy in the nose after they were just talking to you." Mangle said.

"I-I don't want to talk about it," I say, turning my head slightly.

"Why not? Are they your friends? Did they do something to you? I want to know! " She yelled slightly. Why is she so goddamn persistent? Should I tell her? Do I trust her? "Foxy, I just want to know so I can help you," she said softly.

Maybe I will tell her some of it. " I let out a sigh and turned to face her. "Those people were my friends. I haven't talked to them in eight years." I say

"Were? "What happened?" she asked with a concerned look.

Why does she care so much? I have done nothing but treat her badly. "They ghosted me in a time of need," I say plainly, "and I punched him because he brought up a sensitive topic." "That's all I'm telling you," I say, getting up.

"Sensitive topic? "What is that?" she said, realizing I was leaving "Foxy wait!" she yelled. I just ignored her and left The rest of the day went by pretty slowly. When the dismissal bell rang, I sighed in relief and ran out to my car, and drove home. I started thinking about Mangle and how she was trying to get me to tell her about my past. She was so persistent that it made me mad but confused about why she cared so much about getting to know my past. I shook my head and tried to think of something else, but I couldn't. All I could think about was her...

Ooh, maybe Foxy is developing feelings for Mangle. What might happen next? Stay tuned to find out. Hahaha, It sounds like a person promoting a show or something! Anyway, bye!!

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