Chapter 14

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Mangles' POV

I clasp my hands in joy upon hearing that they are friends again. I may or may not have been even a bit dropped. I hear them both get-up and start walking to the door. I immediately moved to the back of the hall and acted as casual as possible, which was probably pretty stupid looking. They come out and I ask, "How did it go?" I say, trying not to smile. Foxy kind of smirks. I don't know if it was a smirk or not. "You were eves dropping weren't you?" he says. I smile goofily, "maybe." "Whatever, who's up for frozen yogurt?" Bonnie asks. "Sure," I and Foxy both say at the same time. I blush. I hate when this happens.

At the frozen yogurt place

Me, Bonnie, and Foxy all get what we want and sit down. I take a bite and feel like I'm in heaven. The places in San Francisco were never this good. "This is the best stuff in town and maybe the world," Bonnie says, taking another bite of yogurt. Suddenly, I get this shiver down my spine as if I am being watched. I turn around and see a dark-hooded figure looking at me through the window, but then leave. Being confused about who that was and why they were looking at me left me staring out the window with those two questions stirring in my head. "Mangle?" I snap out of my thoughts and look back, seeing a confused Foxy and Bonnie. "You okay?" Foxy asks. I put on a smile, or try to at least. "Yeah, I'm fine!" I hear my phone buzz and look at it. It's a reminder for a test I have tomorrow. "Shoot well, I have to go see ya!" I say this nervously, still a little shook.

—Later at Foxy's house—
(Foxy's POV)

I and Bonnie were sitting on the couch watching TV. "Alright, admit it, you like a mangle." He says things at random. I feel my face heating up, but I act like I don't know what he means. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I think you love her." He says it's kind of smug. I sat there and thought, do I? "I don't know, maybe," I say. He shoots up, "Really, maybe!" He yells. I think for a moment again. I think back to all the times we spent together and the random feelings I would feel. I feel my heart starting to quicken as I think. I think back to every time she smiled, my heart would flutter. "I-I Love Her," I say it out loud. Bonnie looks shocked that I actually admit it. "Bonnie, can you help me?" I ask. He smiles, "I'm not great with romance, but yeah, I can help."

-the next morning-

As I walk out the door, I remember that I need to meet Mangle at the cafe before school. "Well I didn't grab my keys, so skateboard it is." I open the garage, grab my skateboard, and start riding down the driveway.

-at the cafe-

When I walk in, I see Mangle sitting in a chair looking out the window. I order my drink and walk over to her. She looks up and smiles, "Oh Foxy hi!" I set my skateboard against the table and sat down. "Hey." We talked for about an hour until it was time to leave. "Do you want to walk out there together?" She asks. "Yeah, sure," I say with a small smile.

-at school (I know so many skips)-

"Alright, so what's on your mind? What do you want to do?" Bonnie asks me while we walk to class. "I don't really know. I guess I want to take her on a date." "Ok, ok, well what's the end goal here?" "What do you mean?" I ask. "Like, do you want to kiss her and become her boyfriend?" Bonnie asks. "I don't know." How do you not know this is the girl you like? How have you not thought about this?" He yells. "Alright, I guess I want both end goals," I say. Bonnie thinks for a minute "I have an idea. How about you ask Mangle what her perfect date is." He suggests "Well then she might get suspicious and ruin the surprise." I say"Oh look, it's Mangle. Go ask her." I look up and see Mangle at her locker. "Why don't you go and ask?" I say. Bonnie looks at me "Dude, I'm not the one asking her on a date here." "Come on, just go ask, please." He looks at Mangle then at me, then at her, then at me, and sighs, "Fine, but you owe me." I thank him as he walks off to Mangle.

(Mangle POV)

I closed the door to my locker to see Bonnie standing there. I screamed a bit, startled. "You scared me," I say. "Sorry, but I need to ask you something," he says. I give him a confused look and say, "Sure, what is it?" I ask. Well, I like someone, and I was wondering since you're a girl and all, what would your perfect date be? He asks. I continue with my look. "Well, I think you should ask the person you like, not me," I tell him. "I know I really should, but please, I don't want to have to ask them." "Ok? Well, I guess I can tell you. " I tell him, "My idea of a perfect date is a nice day on the beach with a picnic and ending the night with a kiss from the person who I ask who asked me." "Thank you so much," Bonnie says. "No problem, but may I ask who you like?" "Ummm no," he says, and then runs off. That was an odd encounter.

(Foxy POV after school at his house)

"Alright, so what did she say?" I ask. "What did he say?" Bonnie asks. "What did Mangle say!"
"Oh right, she said she wants a nice day on the beach with a picnic and ends the night with a kiss." He tells me "Alright, alright, I can work with that." I say "it's just about finding the perfect time to ask."

I'm back
Sorry about how long that wait was, but hey, I'm back and writing again. ( It's been a while since I wrote one of these ending texts or whatever.

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