Chapter 8

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(If you couldn't tell, I'm starting the whole chapter thing now.)

(Mangles POV)

It was now lunchtime, and I was on my way to the cafeteria. I looked over and saw Foxy nervously looking at me. He saw me looking back at him and turned his head, putting on that loner-face kind of thing he always has. I walk into the cafeteria and see TC waving me down. I walk over to her table where she has some people who I have never seen before. "Hey," I say while waving.

"Who are you?" A bear asks Before I could even answer TC's answers for me, " Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, this is Mangle. She is my friend I met yesterday." She tells them. I am somewhat flattered that she calls me her friend. "You don't have to answer for me," I tell her.

"Sure I do!" She says "Mangle, this is Toy Bonnie or TB, and this is Toy Freddy or Fred," she tells me, pointing to them. "It's nice to meet you all," I say. I look around the cafeteria but don't see Foxy "You looking for your boyfriend," TC says, nudging my shoulder, "but he's not mine!"I'm blushing slightly, I admit."No, I know. I was just messing with you." TC says, giggling. I then remembered that Foxy was most likely on the roof. "I will be back in just a second," I say, walking toward the door. I walk up the stairs leading to the roof and open the door. I see Foxy sitting there. He turns around and looks at me. I walk over to him and he looks away. "Hey, I have a question," I say, sitting down next to him. "This friend of mine is having a sleepover tonight." (It is Friday in this world) "So what, why are you telling me?" Foxy says, looking over at me. "I want you to come," I tell him. "Why? and what makes you think I want to come? " he says. Well, I think you're my friend and I think you need this. Also, I could tell the whole school your little secret, "I say confidently. I hear Foxy chuckle a bit, surprising me "As you would ever do that." he says. I look down as he says that he is right. But, since I know you won't stop asking me, I guess I will come, "he said, sounding slightly annoyed, but he was trying to hide it for some reason. "Great! "Here is the address; be there by 7!" I tell him excitedly.


Time skipping

(Foxy's POV)

"Why did I agree to this? " I think to myself, packing. After I finish packing some clothes into a backpack, I grab my keys and head out. I drove to the address Mangle gave me. I arrive and realize that I'm about an hour late. It's 8. "I guess it doesn't really matter," I think. I look at the house and see that it is giant, more like a mansion than a house. I get out of my car and walk up to the door and knock. I wait for a second until the door opens, revealing Mangle. "You came!" she said, happily, making me feel good, but I hid it. "Yup, I did, yay!" I say sarcastically. Don't be so disappointed; it will be fun! "You are also late," she tells me. "Yeah, yeah, let's go," I say sarcastically again.

We walk upstairs to this room with some others. It looked like they were in the middle of truth or dare,' might as well just leave now', I think, turning around. "Come on," Mangle says, grabbing my arm and dragging me. I groan as we walk into the room. "The special guest we were told about is that emo kid?" A bunny says, crossing his arms to see me. I growl a bit at what he says. "Oh shush, it will be fun!" a chicken says. "Foxy, I'm Toy Chica or TC. The one that is being annoyed is Toy Bonnie or TB." Toy Chica tells me Toy Bonnie crosses his arms and huffs. "And that is Toy Freddy or Fred, now take a seat next to Mangle," she says with a strange smile on her face. I just sigh and sit down next to Mangle, who somehow sat down without me noticing.

"Foxy Truth or Dare! " Fred yells. "Yeah, nope," I say, turning around in my chair. "Come on, Foxy," Mangle says I look over at her something about her I just can't say no to. I sigh. "Fine, truth," I say, turning back around. "Tell me a secret that you have never told anyone," he says, with a large smile plastered on his face. I only have one secret and I told that to someone recently, so.." I hear Mangle giggle. "Fine," Fred says, defeating. "It's your turn now, Foxy." I heard Toy Chica say. "Let's play a different game," Mangle says, and I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, let's play spin the bottle!" Toy Chica makes an announcement and immediately gets the feeling that this game is even worse than before! Everyone but me agrees. "I'll start!" Fred announces, "Then TB can be next and so on." He spins the bottle and it lands on Toy Bonnie. Toy Chica and Mangle laugh while I just sit there. He takes a step closer. Toy Bonnie saw this and tried to get up, but Fred was too fast Fred I kissed Toy Bonnie as Mangle and Toy Chica burst out in laughter again.

Now with that over with, it was Toy Bonnies' turn. He spun the bottle with a horrified look still on his face. It landed on Toy Chica. They both blushed and then kissed, quickly pulling out of it afterward. It was now Mangles' turn. She spun the bottle but it landed on me. My eyes widened as I looked to see where it landed I looked up at Mangle. She was as red as a tomato. I heard Toy Chica giggle. Soon, Mangle shook off the shock and started to lean in, and so did I. Slowly, the gap between us shrank as we drew ever closer. Our lips finally met. It felt like time had slowed down. I felt my cheeks heat up. I wanted to pull away but a small part of me didn't. Part of me felt this was right, but the other part won the battle as I pulled away immediately. I then looked down at the ground, my heart racing from what had just happened. I looked up at Mangle and saw the same look on her face that I had. "H-how about we play Truth or Dare again," Mangle says. "Yeah, OK! Foxy Truth or Dare. " Toy Bonnie says, "I guess the truth." I still do not like this game. "Why are you always so sad or angry or whatever?" he says. After a short silence, I get up and look at Mangle. "I am sorry I could not say." I then walk out the door and leave. Once out, I realized I had forgotten my things along with my keys. I remember that I brought my guitar and that the trunk was unlocked. I walk over, grab my guitar, and start to walk away.

Quite the eventful chapter there! Like always, tell me what I could do better and I will do it! Also check out my new book, The Pirate and the Vixen I think it is well, no matter the name, it's on my account. Bye!!!

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