Chapter 26

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After eating lunch Foxy and Mangle relax on the couch while Diane gets ready for work.

(Foxy POV)

"Have fun you two! Don't get into too much trouble!" Mom yells as she runs out the door. I try to respond but by the time I'm able to she is already gone. I sigh and sit back on the couch turning on the TV.

"Did you hear that homecoming is going to be this Saturday?" Mangle asks looking a bit nervous.

I chuckle a bit "Why are you bringing this up?" I ask. "Do you want me to take you?" I ask again kind of mockingly. Mangle hears my tone and punches my arm, making me jump back a bit. "Owww, what was that for?"

"Of course I want you to take me! Why else would I bring it up?" She yells jokingly.

"Well if that's your wish... then as your humble servant I must make it come true!" I say dramatically. Mangle smiles and leans into a cuddle, causing me to smile and feel very comfortable. However, at that very moment, my phone begins to ring. I sigh and look down at my phone seeing that is an unknown caller once again. My eyes widen and a mixture of anger and fear build up inside of me. "I have to take this I'll be right back," I say in a very plain tone. I quickly stand up and walk outside to answer.

"Hello again Foxy..." The voice on the other end says. I growl and my fists clench. "I just wanted to let you know that my plans have changed." The voice explains. "You see my partner is very... well let's just say excited and now I'm only giving you till Saturday to fulfill our request." The voice explains slowly.

I feel anger build at the same time as fear and anxiety. "I don't care what you do to me. I won't leave Mangle!" I yell into the phone. "And I know it's you Springtrap you don't have to hide your voice!"

The voice chuckles "I find it amusing that you think I am going to do anything to you." The voice says ignoring what I said before. "I already know that won't work. So instead I'm going to go after something you love..." "...Mangle.." He says before ending the call.

I then receive a text from the guy containing another picture of me, except this time it's of me taking the call in front of the house. He then sends another message saying 'I am quite upset you will not be cooperating.' 'I'd keep an eye on your precious Mangle Fox Boy'. I sigh feeling intense anxiety flow through my body fully replacing the anger. I run my hands through my hair as I walk inside trying to hide my obvious anxiety.

"Hey... are you okay that seemed intense," Mangle says looking at me with a concerned expression.

"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine nothing to worry about just an annoying troll" I say putting on a fake smile as I sit on the couch next to her. Mangle smiles at my response and snuggles up closer to me making my anxiety fade slightly. "Is there anything else my queen would like to do today besides watch TV?" I ask in a dramatic tone.

Mangle giggles before speaking. "Well if you're offering I have been wanting to do a few things just the two of us. Like maybe go to the mall or dinner or something..." she asks seemingly nervous.

"Why not do all of those things" I smile as I turn off the TV and stand up. I walk to the door and see Mangle standing there smiling. "Well come on let's go," I say gesturing for her to follow me.

(Mangle POV)

I smile wide as Foxy says he's willing to do everything today. I quickly run after him and get into the car. "Where do you want to go first my Queen?" He asks as he starts the car and looks at me with a goofy smile making me laugh.

"Well my servant I first would like to go to the mall." I say dramatically. I hear Foxy chuckle making me smile as we pull out of the driveway and head towards the mall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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