Chapter 21

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We all stand outside waiting to be let in after knocking on the door. Finally, someone opens the door and we walk in. "Bonnie, Foxy, Mangle, glad you could join us, now sit!" Mrs. Smith yells. We do as we are told and sit down. "You all have 2 weeks of detention after school as well." She says, "Turn around."

Mangle raises her hand "Mrs. Smith I really think Foxy should go to the nurse and not be in class. " Mangle says. "He can go after class. I'm not letting him miss this lesson." She responds, still writing on the board. Mangle then sighs and looks at me. "I've got some wipes to clean your face." She whispers, handing me a pack of wipes. I nod and pull out a few to clean my face. After wiping my face, I turn to Mangle. "Did I get it all?" I ask. Mangle proceeds to grab a wipe and clean the spots I missed. "Foxy! You look horrible. You are covered in bruises and your nose looks like it's broken. " Mangle whispers.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it. I've felt worse pain before," I whisper, holding my side and adjusting in my seat. "Foxy and Mangle, would you like to add another week to that detention?" Mrs. Smith yells. We both shake our heads and pay attention to the board.

-after class-

"Foxy, come on, we are going to the nurse," Mangle says, tugging on my jacket. "I told you I'm fine," I tell her, giving a slight amount of resistance. She sighs and nods. "Fine, but please get checked out at some point today." She says, looking down. "I will worry," I say, lifting her head and kissing her. We are both breaking away when we hear a loud gasp from behind. "Foxy and Mangle are dating!" Someone yells, causing everyone to look at us.

I growl and glare at the person who yelled, and they start to back away. I then looked back and saw several people standing around us staring, making me feel even more pissed off. "Don't you all have a class to go to?" I yell now, agitated. "Kiss again!" Someone yells. "Yeah! I want a picture! " I feel my blood boil as I grab Mangle's hand and push through the crowd, still feeling pain while walking.

"Foxy, where are we going?" Mangle asks as I slow down. "We are going to your next class. Where else would we go?" I asked, chuckling at her question. "Well, I don't know, you do pretty random stuff when you're angry, so how would I know?" She asks, smiling. "I don't do stuff while angry." What are you talking about? I ask. "Foxy, not 20 minutes ago you charged someone while you looked like you were dying." She says this with a funny face. "Ok, fine, but that's not all the time," I say. "Whatever dork, let's go."

-skip to lunch-

I slowly walk up the stairs to the roof and open the door, expecting to see only Mangle. Instead, I opened the door and saw Bonnie, Freddy, Chica, Mangle, and the toys. I walk through the doorway, feeling the cold air embrace me and hearing the laughter of everyone just across the way. I stopped myself before walking fully out and looking at everyone sitting there. I know why they're all here, but that doesn't mean I want them here.' I think, turning around back inside. I'd rather find somewhere else than getting asked questions about my current appearance and my coma.

(Mangle POV)

We all laugh at a joke TB just told us while we wait for Foxy to show up. Suddenly, I hear the door creak as it shuts slowly. I look over to face the door and see Foxy's foot walking inside. Of course, he does this again,' I think. "Guys, I'll be right back. I have to go stop Foxy from running away. " I told everyone I said, receiving a nod from everyone.

I walk the empty halls, hearing only my footsteps echo through the hall until I hear someone cough from around the corner. "Foxy?" I ask, turning the corner. "I suppose I wasn't sneaky enough?"He asks jokingly. I smile and slide into the locker next to him.

"Why don't you want to come to sit with everyone?" I asked, carefully leaning on him. "I don't want the toys to say stupid stuff and I don't want to see Freddy or Chica," he sighs. I nod and sigh, entering my thoughts. "How did Springtrap know before everyone else?" "You OK?" Foxy asks with a worried expression. I shake my head. "Yeah, don't worry, I was just thinking," I respond. "What are you thinking about?" He asks curiously. "How did Springtrap know we were dating before we said or did anything?" I am still looking forward to it. "I don't know," Foxy responds. I nod and look at Foxy, seeing his bruised face. "We should go," I say, standing up. "Can't we just sit here forever?" Foxy asks, pouting. "No, we can't now come on." I gestured, smiling. Foxy sighs "Fine, but don't let TB ask more stupid questions." he says. I nod in agreement.

(Foxy POV)

Once again, I sigh and walk through the door into the cold embrace of the winter air. Once the door closes, everyone looks over and sees me and Mangle standing there. "Hey Foxy, glad you decided to join us," Freddy says, smiling. I don't say anything and sit down next to Bonnie. "Anyways, how have you been after waking up? It looks like you got beat up," Freddy says. "I'm fine," I say quietly.

Everyone continues to eat silently until Fred breaks the silence. "Oh yeah, Foxy, sorry about your Dad. I remember the announcement and never got to see you after that." I began to think about him and what happened, and how he had blood on him around the wound that killed him. I also think about how he died right in front of my eyes. The dad that loved my mom, raised me, cared for me, and the dad that died in front of his beloved son. My eyes widen as I breathe heavily, having not thought about all of this since I found Mangle. I look up and see TC elbow Fred and shake her head, annoyed. "Foxy, are you OK?" Mangle asks, looking at me worried. I just stare at her, hyperventilating. "Foxy?" Bonnie asks. By now everyone is looking at me, reminding me of the day Springtrap told the whole school my secret.

I stand up suddenly, causing the table to shift, and stumble to the door. "Foxy, where are you going?" Chica asks. I look back at the terrified face and then run out the door.


I continue to stumble around the school feeling like memory after memory haunts my mind. I feel a tear slide down my face as I slide down the wall in a corner and begin to sob. "Foxy?" I heard Mangle yell from down the hall. I pull my legs back behind the lockers and hope she doesn't find me. "Foxy..." I look up with wet red eyes and see her staring at me worriedly. "Mangle, just leave me alone right now," I tell her. "I'm not going to do that. I'm worried about you." She says, "Moving closer. "Mangle, please just go," I say, getting agitated. She continues to move closer, causing me to stand up and snap at her. "Mangle I said go! Just leave me the heck alone! OK? " I snap. She steps back and frowns. "Go!" I yell, pointing down the hall. Her frown morphs into an angry face. "Foxy I'm trying to help here! If you don't want my help, then fine, but at least say something other than "go away!" She yells, with a tear running down her face. "If you want to help me, then leave me alone," I growl, quietly looking down. "Fine, I'll leave then," Mangle says with a cracking voice. I look back up and see her walking away down the hall, holding her face. I look down at my back and feel anger for myself rising, not just from my father but because I just yelled at my girlfriend for trying to help me like she always does. I punched a locker as hard as possible, feeling my finger break with the force. "God damn it!"


I sigh when I hear the bell ring. 'I don't want to deal with this right now.' I think I am walking towards the door. I just don't care anymore.

This chapter was quite the roller coaster, huh?

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