Chapter 23

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(Foxy pov)

Beep, beep, beep —

"Argh." I groan as I slam my hand down on my alarm clock. "I forgot to turn that off, I guess," I say, stretching and feeling an immediate wave of pain wash over my side. I hiss at the pain and lift my shirt to inspect my side. As I look down, I see a strand of long pink hair on my chest. "That's odd," I say, looking at a now moving mass under my covers. I reach out and touch it, feeling it stir underneath.

Suddenly, someone emerges from the blankets. "Mangle?" I inquired, seeing as she was dressed in one of my favorite sleep shirts and shorts, with hair all over her face.

Mangle yawns and opens her eyes slowly. "Foxy? "What are you doing here?" she asks as she sits up, brushing her hair out of her face.

"You're in my room right now, mangle," I say, remembering the events of last night.

She opens her eyes fully and looks around, seeing my posters and dark decorations. "Why am I in your room? In your bed? "

"You don't remember?" I ask, receiving a head shake in response. "We hung out for a bit planning what we would do on our trip, then we ordered pizza and fell asleep watching a movie on my laptop," I explain.

Suddenly, she remembers and mouths "oh". "I guess that explains the pizza box and the pizza slice on the floor." She smiles.

"Yeah, we should probably clean up a bit, huh?" I say, getting a nod and a smile as an answer. I give her a small smile and get up slowly, once again feeling the pain in my side. I hiss at the pain and sit back down.

"What's wrong?" Mangle asks, concerned. "It's just this bruise I got from that fight yesterday," I say, lifting my shirt and seeing it for the first time.

Mangle's eyes widen as he sees the large purple and blue splotch on my side. "Holy shit Foxy!" she gasps. "Hm, I'll admit that looks a lot worse than I thought," I say, surprised.

"We need to go to a doctor before we leave," Mangle says, with a worried look. I shrug and stand back up, trying to ignore the pain. "I'll be fine, let's just get ready," I say.

"Foxy..." "Fine, before we leave, I will get it checked," I sigh. Mangle smiles, causing me to smile. "Why do you smile every time I smile?" Mangle asks. "How could I not smile at such a pretty face?" I answered, taking off my shirt.

I look over at Mangle and see her smile turn to a bright blush. "Why are you blushing?" I ask, chuckling. "Have you never seen such chiseled abs before?" I say, motioning to my not-so-chiseled body.

Mangle laughs and smiles. "No, it's just you surprised me," she says, getting up and walking over to me. "Right, I surprised you," I say sarcastically. She giggles and kisses me. "Believe what you want, fox boy," she mocks. I shake my head and smile, putting on my shirt.


Mangle POV

Foxy walks out of the doctor's office holding his side and looking down. He opens the car door and sits down carefully. "How'd it go?" I ask. He looks up disappointed. "Apparently I have 2 broken ribs," he says in an annoyed tone. "That's why I have this now." He lifts his shirt, revealing a black band thing wrapped around his torso. (again not a doctor, doesn't know what I'm talking about). I look at him with a slightly worried face. "But otherwise, everything is okay, right?" "Well, my nose is broken too, but otherwise yes." I smile as we drive away to pick up Bonnie. "You texted him, right?" I ask as I drive. He shakes his head and gives a goofy smile. "No, I forgot," he says, acting defeated.

(Bonnie POV)

I finally get to sprawl out on my couch and watch TV as I feel my phone buzz. I groan and reach for the phone, reading the name on the notification.

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