Chapter 13

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(Foxy's POV)

I woke up this morning not from a nightmare but to the awful sound of my alarm. "Another day of school" I sigh to my self sitting on my bedside with my face in my palms. I get up yawn and stretch then groggily walk to the bathroom to get ready for school. After brushing my teeth and taking a shower I walk to my dresser and pull out a white hoodie, black and white flannel, and black jeans. Slipping on black converse while putting everything on.

After getting dressed I walk downstairs to get breakfast. As I walk down the stairs I see mom sitting at the table with a plate in front of her and one on the opposite side with two sunny side up eggs bacon and pancakes. "Foxy! Glad to see you up." She says. "I made you breakfast!" "I was just gonna make some toast but ok." I say sitting down. "What's with you being home so often all of a sudden?" I ask with a mouth full of pancake. "I hate to say it but it won't last long we just haven't been to busy as always this time of year so I took a little time off." Mom explains. "I'm not surprised your never home like last night I had someone over for dinner" I say . Mom nearly choked on her bacon after hearing that "Really! What's they're name, are they nice, are you friends?" "Slow down mom her name is mangle yes and kind of yes" I say finishing my food.

Her eyes widen and she scoots out of her chair grabbing my arm dragging me to the door putting my jacket on and giving me my backpack. "Well you better get going to see your friends" she says exited . "But there's still 40 minutes before school starts." I say trying to get her to not kick me out. "GO!" She says pushing me out the door. "Bu—" before I could finish she closed the door. I sigh annoyed. I get in my car and start it. Pulling out of the driveway I drive towards the cafe. 'Guess I'll just get a coffee or something' I think to my self.

—at the cafe—-
I sit at a table with my drink scrolling through my phone until I hear a voice. "Foxy" the voice yells. I look up and see Mangle. I set down my phone " hey." I say plainly. She sits down "what are you doing here?" She asks. "My mom kicked me out after I told her about last night. I haven't had a friend in a long time." I say. "Order for Mangle" a barista calls out. "I'll be right back" Mangle says I nod and Mangle went to get he drink. She comes back and sits down in front of me "So your mom kicked you out after you her told be about me?" "Yeah she was a little exited about me making a friend for a long time like a said." I say. "If I may ask what are you doing here?" I ask her still in my plain voice. "I've been coming here since I moved here. I guess I just like them to have a calm place before school you know?"

"Yeah sounds kind of nice" I say feeling a small smile on my face. Mangle looks at my face and sees the smile. "Did I make the Foxy Rover smile?" She asks playfully. I roll my eyes at her she laughs a bit. "You know I kind of like this we should do this at the cafe more often maybe we can come here before school as just a place or something." Mangle suggests I nod "sounds like a good idea. I will be back tomorrow then." I say looking at my phone.  "It's time for school I guess you want a ride it's a long walk from here?" I ask. "That would be great" she beams.

—after getting to school—

"Thanks for the ride Foxy!" Mangle says getting out of the car. "No problem." I say getting out. We walk to our lockers and then go our separate ways to class.

—later before lunch—

"Get off of me!" I hear a voice yell I look around and see springtrap pining mangle to a locker again. 'What is this guys problem' I walk over to them and listen for a second. "Come on just one kiss." Springtrap says getting closer to her face. "Stop!" Mangle yells again backing up to the locker. I feel my fists clench but put on my calmest most carefree face and walk up behind Springtrap. I tap him on the back and he turns around after seeing my face he smiles. "What do you want Fox boy." He says angered. "Well it would be nice if you could stop pinning mangle to the locker" I say plainly pointing to her. "Why do you care what I do to her?" He asks. "She's a friend." "Well what are you going to do about it?" "Well I'm going to ask you to back off" I say.  "And what if I don't" he jeers getting into my face. Well I'm gonna walk away to lunch because mangle already got away while I was talking." I say.  He looks behind him to see nothing I start walking away before he looked back. "Hey! Get over here!"I here. I ignore him and continue walking. "Don't ignore me!" Springtrap yells. I stop, turn,and sigh "what do you want now we're done here." "I am not done with you" he yells. I raise my eyebrow "what are we going to fight or something?" I say calmly after I said that it was like everyone in the hall looked at us and fell silent I look around and see Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica and Mangle near them. Before I could look back I get punched across my face I stumble back. I walk up and punch Springtrap in the gut. "Is that all you go?!" "Really do you know how cheesy you are being?" He scowls and says something under his breath. Springtrap moves up and try's to kick me. I block and uppercut his chin in a specific spot dropping him instantly. I put up my hood and walk away.

"Hey! Foxy!" I hear behind me. I turn around and see Mangle. "Oh hey." "Thanks for helping me!" She says with a bright smile. "No problem". "Do you want to eat lunch with me we can sit in the roof." She asks. "Sure." I say looking over and seeing Bonnie walking with the others. He looks over and for a second we are just looking at each other he looked worried and I felt a small amount of sadness in me. "You ok?" Mangle asks snapping me back to reality. "Uh yeah let's just go to the roof" I say.

—on the roof—

"So I just realized I don't have your number it's a little weird to ask but can I have you phone so I can type my number?" Mangle asks. "Uh yeah sure" I say pulling out my phone. She takes my phone and goes into my contacts "wait" I look over. "You still have Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy's number?" She asks. "Um I..yeah I do"
I say nervously. "The last text from Bonnie we 2 years ago" (3rd person for a second) Mangle reads the text. "Hey Foxy, it's uh been awhile since we talked I know we moved away but if it helps I never wanted to leave. I just want you to know I'm still available at anytime if you want to talk."
She scrolls up and sees more texts going to the oldest text from December 28th 2008. She reads it. "Hey Foxy I just heard the news about your dad and I see why you weren't at a school the past couple days. I just want to tell you I'm so sorry for your loss and that I'm here anytime you want to talk." She looks at more seeing that Foxy never responded to any of them but read all of them.

(Foxy's POV)

"What's taking so long?" I ask looking over. She looks up with a sad face "you should make up with Bonnie." She says. "Your looking at my texts aren't you?" I say a little annoyed. "Sorry I just got curious." She says looking down. I sigh "it's fine but I'm guessing you want to know all about it knowing you" I say looking over. She smiles and nods "after my dad died I kind of broke I talked to know one at school and barely talked to my own family (side note foxy has a sister I just completely forgot to put her in the prologue even after planed for her to be apart of the story. Sorry for the confusion!) Bonnie and the others heard about it from the news but shortly after all news papers about the incident we destroyed for it being "to violent". In middle school I had some tough times not just because it was middle school. I had not talked to my old friends in a very long time yet I still got texts from Bonnie. I always made sure to read them but still it made me feel bad while the others pretty much forgot about me Bonnie never gave up trying to contact me  but I still blamed him." I look down feeling awful feeling fresh tears fall from my eyes. " Foxy?"  I look up wiping my face on my sleeve to get tears off. Mangle looks at me with a kind of sympathetic worried look. "You need to make peace with Bonnie." She says suddenly hugging me. I am stunned by the hug but it comforts me in a way as I feel a warm feeling deep in my gut. I hug back "I'll try"

—Later that day—

I am sitting in my room thinking about earlier when I hear a knock on my door. "Foxy it's mangle can I come in?" I look up to the door "yeah come in" I say she opens the door but does not come alone behind her is Bonnie who also walks in. I sit there In silence not knowing what to say. All I can do is make a simple gesture for Bonnie to sit next to me. Mangle nods to me and walks out closing the door. I look at Bonnie feeling sad again. "Bonnie I.." he cuts me off "Foxy I am so sorry about everything that has happened" he says. "No I'm sorry I had no right to just never talk to you again. You were the only one constantly texting me trying to help me but I never answered." "But you always read them so I kept sending you messages hoping it would bring you some comfort. But I am curious why did you stop talking to us?" He asks "Bonnie the night my dad died something in me snapped at first it just started with sadness but then it became anger that I directed at everyone even people who didn't deserve it what so ever" I say. Bonnie looks down to the ground. "Foxy I know you probably don't want anything to do with the others I mean they treated you very badly having just lost your father. But I want us to be friends again like all those years ago." He says. I crack a small smile and nod "I would like that."

Bam here is you chapter it took a pretty long time to make but it was worth it. This is one of my favorite chapters yet!

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