Chapter 15: The Date

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726 words and about a month of off and on finding the time to write. We have a full chapter! Thank you guys for being patient with me and this long wait. Anyway, all that aside, enjoy the chapter!

(Foxy POV) 2 days after the plan was made.

Beep, beep, beep. I sit up and remember what I was going to do today. I recall and immediately feel a sensation I've never felt before. It was like nervousness and happiness had just combined to create a new emotion. I get up and do my morning routine. I brush my teeth, shower, get dressed, and eat breakfast. I grab my keys and the toast that I just made, walk out the door and drive to the cafe. On my way to the cafe to meet Mangle, I think about what the perfect spot is to ask her until I figure it out.

After I order my drink, I sit down at a table to wait for Foxy. I wonder if something is wrong. He seems to be acting weird. Maybe I can ask him about it. I look out the window and see Foxy walking up to the door. He comes in, orders then sit down. "Hey!" I say. "How's it going?" I ask. "I'm good." He says, "Hey, do you want to eat lunch on the roof with me today?" He asks, rubbing his neck. "Um, yeah, sure," I say.

-skip to just before-

(Foxy POV)

I can do this. It's just a simple question.' I think to myself as I walk through the winding halls and up the stairs to the door to the roof. I sigh, close my eyes, open the door, and... she's not there. I sigh again, but this time in relief. I tell myself, "She's not here yet, so give me time to get myself ready." "Get ready for what?" I jump and spin. only to see Mangle standing there. "Don't do that!" I yell with my hand on my chest. She laughs in a way that makes my heart beat faster and faster. "Anyway, why did you summon me here?" She asks. Well, to eat lunch and talk. I feel like it's been a while. " I say. She gives me a weird look and says, "You are not the kind of person to just ask someone to talk randomly, even if they're friends." I give her a nervous smile and say, "Well, I guess there's a first time for everything." I say. She shakes her head, "Alright, let's eat, weirdo." She sighs. I do a really bad fake laugh and decide to shut up and sit down.

We sit and talk for a bit until silence falls upon us. 'This is it, Foxy. Ask her the question.' I sigh, "Hey Man*SQUEAK*le," and my voice cracks, but I guess it gets her attention. I smile nervously and clear my throat. "Perhaps you, Mangle?" She is looking me dead in the eyes making my heart race. "Do you maybe want to go on a date with me?" I ask. I look up and see her face light up. "Yes, Foxy "Yes, yes, I would love to! " She yells excitedly. I smile and hug her. "Friday at 4:00, I'll pick you up. "Sound good? I ask. "Sounds great!"

—after school—

"Alright class, remember there is a big test coming up. Make sure to study hard! " Mr. James yells before dismissing us. After a quick trip to my locker, I run to the gate to walk home with Bonnie and tell him the news. As I'm running, I run into someone, causing them to fall and drop all their stuff. "Oh, uh, sorry about that," I say I'm going down to help with the picking up. Once they have all their stuff back, I look up to see their faces and see Chica. "Foxy?! It's been so long. How have you been? " She asks. "I feel my blood boil when she asks this. "Good question! Maybe you would know if any of you actually cared to help me or even just ask how I was more than once after my own father died. " I yell. Her face shifts into one of sadness and regret. "We thought you needed space." She says it quietly. "Space! Space "9 years is not space, that's abandonment!" I yell again. "Bu-" "It's been nice seeing you again, Chica," I say, cutting her off and walking away.

Outside, I see Bonnie waiting there for me. "Hey, Bonnie!" I say quietly. "What's up with you?" He asks, but before I can answer, he speaks again. Wait, don't tell me you asked Mangle today! Oh, and she said, "No didn't she, oh no dude, I'm so sorry." I look at him with a confused face. "No, I ran into Chica on my way out here," I say. "Oh well, I guess that's not as bad." I give a small smile "But about Mangle." I say, trailing off. Starting the walk home, "What about Mangle?" He asks me to run to catch up. "I'll tell you when you're older," I say this jokingly. "How much older?" "About an hour or so," I say. "Oh phew, I thought I would have to wait years to hear the news. But still, can I hear it now, please? " He begs. "If you continue asking, you will have to wait years." "Fine, I'll wait." He says, "Shut up. I look at him and laugh at his childish reaction.

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