The First Day

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(Foxy's POV)

(In a dream)

I wake up to a black void. I look around, "Where am I?" I asked myself. I then saw something. It was Dad! I ran to him and hugged him, "I miss you." I say he just stays still. "Dad?" I ask

"I have to go!" he says unexpectedly and begins running away

"What do you mean?" I yell after him as he runs through the pitch-black void, and I keep running until I find myself outside the bank, where I see my father get shot. "DAD!"I yell and run to him. I am then in the hospital at his bedside, "Dad!" I shake him trying to wake him up, "No, please wake up!" Everything fades away as I hear the heart monitor stop.

I wake up and yell "NOOO" as I shoot up from my bed. I look around and see I'm in my room. I then curl up and start crying. I lay back in my bed and drifted back to sleep until I heard my alarm. Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee- I smack my alarm so it stops as I slowly get up. I remember it is my first day of school and get up. I trudge over to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I have bags under my eyes and stains on my face from tears. I look terrible, but I don't care. I get dressed in some grey jeans and a red hoodie. I walk out of my room and go down the stairs to get some food I don't see mom anywhere. She probably had to work a night shift. She has been doing that lately to get some extra money, but that also means I don't see her at all. I hear a pop and see my toast is done. After I eat, I grab my keys and start on my way to the new school.

Once I arrive, I park my car, look at the school, and sigh, "The first day is always the worst, especially if this is only your first day." I sigh. I hop out of my car and walk in, trying to avoid any eye contact. I walk to the office and wait for someone to come.

An old Chicken walks over to the desk "what can I do for ya hon'?" she asks

I look at her. "I'm Foxy Rover I'm new here. Can I get my schedule?" I ask

"Of course, you can!" she says, typing my name in and printing something out. "Here you go hon, have a nice day!" She says, handing me the paper.

"Thanks," I say simply and walk away, looking at my locker number and its location of it. After I put my stuff away and keep the stuff I need, I look at my first class. "Math is great," I say sarcastically and begin walking to class. On my way there, I get stopped by a yellow rabbit that looks kind of worn down. "Great a bully," I think.

"Hey, stop right there!" He yells, blocking my path I ignore him and try to get around. "Where do you think you are going?" he says. "Don't say anything" and look down. "Awww is baby gonna cry," he says in a babyish voice, and his goons join him in laughter. I then look up at him and punch him across the jaw, making him fall to the ground. His goons stop laughing and look at me in shock as I step over him and continue going to class.

Once I walked into the classroom, I put my hood up and just walked to an empty seat, avoiding any eye contact. The teacher saw me sit down and said "oh you must be the new student." I just ignored him and continued pulling my stuff out of my backpack. "Ahem, can you tell us a bit about yourself?" he said. I looked up at him

"Yeah," I say, fists clenched. I walked up to the front of the classroom and saw everyone looking at me. Some were also whispering about me, probably about that rabbit. "Say away from me and leave me alone," I say, plainly walking back to my seat.

"Well, um, OK, but he is not the only new student here." The teacher said I did not care. I just sat down and looked out the window. I only slightly heard what they said because I wasn't listening to that much.

"Hi, I'm Mangle!" She said cheerfully. I could feel her looking at me. "I like art and theater," she announced. I looked over to the front of the class and saw her standing there thinking of what else to say. "And that's all," she said.

"Okay, maybe you should check out the drama club," the teacher says to her, "anyway, on with the lesson."

(time skip to the end of class)

The ball finally rang, and I started packing up my stuff. All of a sudden, all of my books fell to the floor. I looked to see what happened and I saw a man looking at me and my books. I hadn't really gotten a good look at her until now. She was beautiful. Wait, what am I saying? I shook my head and snapped out of it. I could see her staring at me as well, then she realized what had just happened.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," she said to me I just looked back down and picked up my books as she tried to help me. After it was all cleaned up and I was done packing up, I stood up. I saw her looking at me. I was trying not to make eye contact. "Hey, you're that other new kid, right?" I just nodded and said, "Well, I didn't really catch your name before, I don't think anyone did." She giggled. I just shrugged and walked past her and out of the room. "Um, see you later I guess!" she yelled. I just sighed and went on to my next class.

(time skip again to just before lunch)

I was walking to lunch while listening to music. I was looking at the floor until I bumped into someone. I fell down and so did the other person. I looked to see who it was and I saw it was Mangle "Ow!" she yelled, rubbing her head.

I got up and looked at her. "You really need to watch where you are going!" I say

"Oh, you're right, Foxy."I heard your name in another class. You punched a guy in the jaw. " "Anyway, sorry about that second time today, won't happen again!" I shrugged. She said, "Mind helping me up?" She asked. I looked at her with my hood still up and walked away.

(Mangles POV)

"Wow, what a jerk," I say to myself. I wonder if there is a reason he acts like this. Even if I asked, I doubt he would tell me.

"Hey! Are you OK? " A voice asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah, I'm OK," I say, getting up and dusting myself off. I looked to see who was talking to me and saw a chicken standing there. "Who are you?" I ask.

I'm Toy Chica! But my friends call me TC, "she said," that Fox is a real jerk, isn't he?" She said

"Yeah, I guess," I say, looking in the direction Foxy went in.

"Hey, you're the new girl, right?" She asked.

"Yeah", I sighed.

"Do you want to sit at my and my friend's table for lunch? I'm sure they would be glad to meet you." She asked.

"Sure!" I agree.

(Foxy's POV)

When I arrived at the lunch room, there were tons of people sitting shoulder to shoulder. The only spot I saw open was at a table with my old "friends." It was either that or outside in the pouring rain (it started raining earlier). I sighed, grabbed a tray of food, and sat down next to Freddy. They did not notice me at first, but they seemed to be surprised when they saw me I just put my head down as I ate my food, trying not to make eye contact. "Foxy!?" Bonnie yelled, "I did not answer."

Freddy and Chica heard Bonnie and looked at me. "Whoa, you're really good at sneaking up on people," Freddy said, surprised.

"I'm still not going to talk to you guys," I said through gritted teeth.

"Why not?" Bonnie asked confused, "We haven't seen you since your dad---" Before he could say anymore, I punched him.

"Don't even bring that day up," I yelled, storming out of the lunchroom. I went up to the roof, not caring that it was pouring outside. I sat down and tried to calm myself down until I heard the door open and close behind me.

Hmm, I wonder who came up to the roof to see Foxy?

Anyway, this was a pretty long chapter because I needed to fit a lot of stuff into it. And like always, defiantly tell me things I could do better in the comments.

That's all bye!!!

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